Sunday, October 14, 2012

Where God Places Vision... He Aligns Provision

Day 1... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

Today, you begin an amazing journey of renewing your mind and life to align with the Glory Realm provision and living of God. Throughout the remainder of 2012, Glory Realm Living will provide inspirational insight that will challenge you to think and go higher... to a place of walking in the Realm of God's Glory and His promised provision.

Habakkuk 2:14 says, "But the time is coming when the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." And Isaiah 60:1 beckons you to, "Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you, and rise to a new life! Shine and be radiant with the Glory of the Lord, for your light has come, and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you!

You are now living in that time of God's Glory covering believers who will walk in obedience to His ways and to the steps that He will begin to initiate toward you. Many of you have received visions of purpose and assignments (whether personally, in ministry or business) that you know God has called you to walk therein. Therefore, you must believe that where God places a Vision... He also aligns His Provision.

I am hopeful that these posts will be mind-renewing for all believers, and I am excited for those of you who have been called for His purpose and have been given an assignment from God. I pray that your mind will be renewed to know and believe beyond doubt that your vision has an atmospheric surrounding and covering that is drenched with the Glory Abundant Provision of God.

Isaiah 60 is now being made manifest in the earth on your behalf. Though the darkness will look like hopelessness to multitudes in the world, and seem as though there are no solutions and no answers, yet God's Glory will shine upon you as a TRUE believer and follower of Christ, having the promise of His Glory and Presence. And that Glory provides every provision as you walk in the vision and purpose God has placed upon your life, your ministry and your marketplace position.

This Glory is the FULLNESS of God! It is the ESSENCE of all God IS and all God HAS! Here in Isaiah 60, the Glory speaks of the wealth of God... His abundance, splendor and provision! Throughout this chapter, this Glory is referring to tangible wealth!

YOU have now entered into your most Glorious hour in time with God! Your Provision is at Hand!

Love & Blessings To YOU!

1 comment:

  1. We decide and decree this day to live by Faith and by the Glory provision of God. Even when we see no visual means of support, we decree You, God, are our Source and Support! Teach us how to live by the leading of Your Spirit. We stand, unmoved, trusting and believing the promises of Your Word, moment by moment, today and everyday. So Be It. #GloryRealmProvisionMindset
