Day 9... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset
Yet, I encourage you to firmly stand, assuredly saying, "God is my Support!" Period!
It has been witnessed and accounted time after time that as you go forward in the vision and purpose of God, He does amazingly provide, even when it makes no sense to the natural mind.
You may have no idea how your bills will get paid. You may have no idea how God will heal you from an attack on your body. It's also especially challenging to stand firmly on what you are believing God to do when everyone around you is looking at your natural situation, and speaking about what they see. They are telling you what they think you need to do about your financial, health or relationship situation, not to add how they are predicting your outcome as the worst case scenario. But when making a stance in God's Glory, God fights on your behalf. Therefore, in God, no weapon formed against you has the ability to prosper, and every word being spoken contrary to your stand, you can condemn those words, making them powerless.
I encourage you today...
Stand firmly believing that He will come through on your behalf.
As I've mentioned before, God will meet your needs according to HIS riches within the Realm of His Glory in Christ Jesus. The Glory Realm is an amazing miracle realm of provision. I reiterate that, if you need healing in your body, God's got provision for your body. If you need a miracle in your family, God's got provision for your family. If you need a miracle of food or sustenance, God's got a miracle provision of manna just for you.
Of course, you should do all you know to do within the natural power and ability God has placed within you... to be the best steward you can be over your body, your finances, your family and relationships. Then trust and believe beyond doubt that God will add His "Super" amazingness to your "natural" ability, giving you an amazing supernatural results!
Today, I'd like to share a testimony by a pastor I adore and look up to as one of God's Glory Generals:
Years ago, a man had been reading in 1 Kings 17 about the prophet Elijah and how the Lord had sent him to the brook and fed him in that place through supernatural provision by ravens. As he read it, it became a rhema word for him, causing his faith to abound to believe God could provide for him in a similar supernatural way. So he began going into his backyard and commanding the birds. He said, people lose money everyday, so go and get this lost money for me. He soon discovered that the birds would actually come and drop money into his backyard. This was a supernatural miracle done just for him.
Later, a 15 year old boy heard this testimony, and made a connection of faith with it. This little boy believed that God would give him $10 for missionary work. So he went to his backyard and commanded the birds to go get the money. The first day, he received a little over a dollar. The second day, two dollars. The third day, he found seven dollars in his backyard. And over the next month, he'd found over $400 in his backyard in bushes and plants. He received miraculous supernatural provision from God.
God wants you to supernaturally connect with His Word and His Glory Realm Provision. He desires for you to connect your faith to expect miraculous provision in the midst of struggle, whether financial, health or any other brokenness. God can work a miracle no matter what the situation.
Throughout this Glory Realm mindset renewal journey, I have many other testimonies I'll be sharing with you to build your faith to believe that "Nothing is Impossible with God!"
Thank you for allowing me to share with you. If you have missed any previous posts, you can review them now by clicking here, or copy and paste this link into your browser: God Bless YOU!
Love & Blessings
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