Monday, October 15, 2012

How to Stop Struggle in the Midst of Glory Provision!

Day 2... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

The Old Testament accounts that there were a chosen people who personally witnessed and experienced the miraculous supernatural Glory of God. They saw firsthand how He protected and blessed them in the midst of others around them living the calamity of plagues, even death, while passing over them. They miraculously remained protected and unharmed. They saw how God supernaturally "parted the sea" on their behalf, freeing them from slavery and bondage, taking with them riches and abundance. They saw how God led them through the wilderness with a literal cloud of Glory by day, and pillar of fire by night. They saw how He poured out tremendous provision of food from Heaven. They experienced living under an "Open Heaven" of Glory Blessing & Provision!

All this, God did without their having to labor or prepare on their own. They simply followed His leading... simply walked through walls of sea on dry ground... simply picked up food from Heaven and ate... simply drank water that poured from a rock... simply lived year after year without their clothes or shoes wearing out... simply lived the miracle provision of God! Yet, in the midst of this open Heaven of abundant overflowing blessings and miracles, they still struggled!

Why did these blessed and chosen people of God still struggle... even in the midst of Glory Realm Provision? They struggled because they had dwelt and grew common to a nation where they had been enslaved and oppressed for four hundred years! (Gen 15:13) They struggled because their living had become accustomed to Egypt... their minds were still aligned with the system of the world, rather than the Kingdom of God.

They could not shake off the oppression and bondage. They were overcome with unbelief! Therefore, many of them did not enter into the land that overflowed with His promises and blessings, because of their unbelief. What about you? Have you allowed the system of this world and the systems of our government to enslave and oppress you to the point that you've entered into unbelief? Are you struggling even in the midst of your Glory Realm Provision? Yes, we have all submitted in some form or fashion to how the world has set to govern us. And yes, we've struggled because our current condition of living has caused us to become common to a world system that has enslaved and oppressed.

This is your appointed time to SHIFT! You can and must make a decision of faith to live within the atmosphere of Glory that God has made available to you... an Open Heaven of abundant overflowing blessings and miracles here in the Kingdom of God on earth! You no longer have to be afraid of the shaking in the world, because it will continue to happen, more and more. Do NOT be moved by or put your trust in the world's system. This is not a time when you should be thinking about how you could get the world's system to work for you! This is the time for you to prepare in God for His Glory Realm Provision to manifest daily, even moment by moment in your life!

Stir Up "Sea-Parting" Faith & Expectation!!!!! As you go forward in all that God has purposed you to do... whether it be your stewardship as spouse or parent... to establish a church or ministry... to build a business enterprise... regardless to what it is, align it with Kingdom thinking! Believe that God has supernatural provision aligned for everything you do. God has made provision for your every plan, insight and witty invention. He has made provision for you to walk in total prosperity... nothing missing and nothing broken from your life.

I make a decree that you shall walk in spiritual, emotional and physical health, wholeness and soundness, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. You shall walk in the supernatural Wisdom, gifts, talents and discernment from God. You shall walk in belief that your family is saved, delivered, blessed and highly favored. You shall walk in belief that your finances are blessed and overflowing in your wallets, purses and bank accounts. You shall walk in Total Prosperity... in the Nothing Missing & Nothing Broken Glory Realm Living & Provision of God! Believe Only THAT!

If you missed Day 1, click here and scroll through! God Bless YOU!

Love & Blessings,

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