Thursday, October 18, 2012

There are NO Limitations with God

Day 5... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

Yesterday's post reminded us that whatever God has done in His Word, He can and will make those same miraculous provisions for you.

The miracles of God are without natural explanation. 
And right now, in this day, as God is releasing His supernatural Glory Realm provision, you must come to understand that, "There are NO limitations with God."

During this season that we've entered into, it is extremely important for you to renew your mind to believe and trust that God has aligned this supernatural Glory Realm Provision just for you. These will absolutely be the best days within the body of Christ and within the Kingdom of God here in the earth.

There was a popular saying years ago, "The Best is Yet to Come!" And NOW... The Best Has Come and is Here!

Be cautious in this hour to not enter into fear! Trust that God's Realm of Glory is surrounding you...

 ~ You are clothed in the Glory of God
 ~ You are carriers of the Glory, manifesting it and shifting atmospheres wherever you go
 ~ You are continually walking in the Glory
 ~ You are living by the supernatural as your normal way of living
 ~ You have been given God's "nothing limiting and nothing stopping you" authority and ability.

The body of Christ is being raised up to do supernatural works of the Glory of God in these days... spreading that Glory to the nations and extinguishing the darkness with the Glorious Light!

There are NO LIMITATIONS in the Spirit realm of God! Be Blessed... Beyond Measure!

If you missed previous posts, click here to scroll through and read more Glory Realm Mind-Renewing articles. Thank you for allowing me to share with you. God Bless YOU!

Love & Blessings,

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