Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Time For a Reset... to "Only Believe"

Day 3... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

God is releasing His Glory Realm Provision within this day to empower us to be everything He has called us to be. We are being supernaturally enabled to function and to walk in the greatness and power of God. Even Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:2-4, that he resolved to know nothing except Jesus Christ the Messiah and Him crucified, and that he was not coming with just persuasive words, but in demonstration of the power of the Spirit. And we, as the carriers of His power and carriers of His Glory, should resolve to expect this same power of the Spirit... to expect the demonstration of supernatural and miraculous things to happen!

As readers of the Word, some of us have submitted to believe that the demonstration of biblical supernatural events were only for biblical times. I posted on yesterday about the miraculous events that took place right among the people of Israel, YET they still wavered in unbelief! Oh sure, we have come to allow ourselves to recognize that God does and will heal. So we "sort of" submit to the idea that He just might do it for us... He just might heal us... or He just might save our family members... or maybe deliver certain loved ones from drugs or alcohol... maybe. And just like the Israelites, some of us have even seen miracles happen right before our eyes and still waver in unbelief.

Within the biblical account of Mark 5:22-43, one of the rulers of the synagogue named Jairus had approached Jesus because his daughter was dying. As Jesus was leaving to go with Jairus, He stopped to perform a miracle for a woman who had suffered for 12 years. And while Jesus was still speaking to her, someone from the ruler's house told Jairus to no longer bother Jesus because his daughter had died. BUT in verse 36, "Overhearing but ignoring what they said, Jesus said to the ruler, Do not be afraid, ONLY BELIEVE."

Right here is where I want to "selah... to have us calmly pause and think about that." Just put yourself here for a moment receiving the news Jairus received, and listening to Jesus tell you to NOT BE AFRAID, JUST BELIEVE! Hmmm

We may have all been in a circumstance or situation at one time or another where we were placed in the trial of fearing the worst... but trusting Jesus to come through on our behalf. And to boot, Jesus wants us to NOT be fearful about it? Not to mention, that while we're waiting for our miracle, we see others among us receiving theirs (like the woman who'd suffered 12 years)... Jesus!! Did you forget about me? What's up?
  • Times like these is why Paul decided that he himself knew nothing... that he was only coming in demonstration of the power of the Spirit!
  • Paul decided that his own persuasive words were nothing in comparison to Jesus, and Him being crucified.
  • And here is where I beckon to remind you about what God did just for YOU!
  • And it is this... if you had been the only person left on earth in need of what God could do for YOU, He would have still sent His Only Son to die on that cross "just for YOU!"
So know and believe this... 
  • YES, it is His will for you to be redeemed from this world's system and from every assignment over you from the kingdom of darkness, and to be restored to the family of God... because Jesus paid a severe and extreme price for YOUR life!
  • YES, it is His will for you to be healed... because He took severe lashes and whips of stripes for every sickness and disease just for YOU!
  • YES, it is His will for you to be blessed... because He had a crown of thorns crushed into His forehead to destroy every curse from affecting YOUR life.
NOW... pause again and think about Him saying to YOU, "Do not be afraid, ONLY BELIEVE, because I've ALREADY handled this and any other situation just for YOU!" Not only that, but He is now seated at the right hand of the Father on YOUR behalf, so that now you can fulfill what He desired you to do... GREATER works than He did while here on earth. He healed the sick, will you? He cast out demonic spirits, will you? He raised the dead, will you? He went about spreading the good news of the gospel, will you? And He said you will do greater, so will you?

NOW do you believe that He is releasing His Glory Realm Provision within this day to empower you to be everything He has called you to be? YOU CAN expect the demonstration of supernatural and miraculous things to happen for you and your loved ones (just as Jairus did for his daughter). Do not submit yourself to waver in unbelief, because if God has said it, He is more than able to perform it in your life (Romans 4:21).

He's got your back! Glory Realm Provision is available just for you. You have nothing to fear, ONLY BELIEVE!

Love & Blessings,

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