Friday, October 19, 2012

We Have Crossed Over!

Day 6... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

I pray your mind has shifted and is being totally refreshed and renewed. I pray that you and your loved ones are in the midst of experiencing Glory Realm Living... Living from Glory to Glory!

For our God is highly exalted and His desire is for us to come up higher... to His level of thinking and to His ways... from Glory to Glory in Him!

When it all looks absolutely hopeless, Jesus Christ is your hope, because God is good all the time! This shift of Glory into our atmosphere is like the latter Glory of the house, and is greater than the former. No matter what you have experienced, more and greater are coming! There is so much available for the body of Christ in this hour.

Amos 3:7 reveals to us that, "surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secrets to His servants the prophets." There is much buzz within the body of Christ and the Kingdom of God about this shift of His Glory, just as my spirit has been bursting with the excitement of all God has been sharing with me about what's in store for us! I truly believe this ministry of Glory Realm Living to one such "prophetic voice" in this day. I pray you take heed to prepare your mindset for what God has in store for the body of Christ in these last days. EXPECT... because what is coming is greater than you've ever seen or heard. That is why your mindset must be shifted and enlarged to receive the vastness and greatness of all that the Glory has in store... just for you!

There are multitudes of other ministries that are sharing similar prophetic revelations. Even lately, God has had me to bathe and drench within the book of Isaiah, which is referred to in the article below. Today, I'd like to share with you "excerpts" from a recent article written by Jason Hooper of White Dove Ministries. I believe it to be a confirming word within this time during our "mind-renewal" journey toward Glory Realm Provision. If you've missed any of the previous days posts, please take a few moments to review and absorb them into your spirit. I try to keep them short, but today's message is a "must-share." Enjoy!

Jason Hooper's Message "A New Season of Increase"

We have crossed over into a new season in God. It is a season that carries with it promises fulfilled, promotions granted, and "increase" by the Spirit of God. The word right now is "increase." The blessings and increase of God that are being granted to us in this season will not be awarded based on our personal accomplishments. Rather, the blessing and increase of the Lord will rest upon those who possess a loyalty of heart and the knowledge of God that can only be found in the fear of the Lord.

Many have emerged from what could be considered a challenging season marked by an outward appearance of loss. And although there has been tangible loss, I can tell you this: It is the will of the Father of all He has given to you - that nothing has been lost but will be fully restored and completely resurrected in these coming days. Now, if on the other hand the Lord has allowed a "material downsizing" that has simplified your life in preparation for this coming season - be thankful. It is this preemptive downsizing that will afford you the freedom to move with the Cloud when He says move.

There is a quickening, a hastening and acceleration to bring to pass that which has been previously promised. Some have felt a bit like Joseph in recent times. You were given magnificent prophetic promises, but the wilderness between the promise given and the promise fulfilled looked like anything but that which we had been promised.

Just about every prophetic person you can think of has been seeing and hearing portions of Isaiah 60 for this season. The applications are endless and the promises long-awaited. Although much attention has been given to the first three to five verses of this chapter, I am putting the Lord in remembrance of the entire chapter with my faith and focus resting on the last nine verses of this passage:
  • "I, the Lord, will hasten it in its time" (Isaiah 60:22b).
  • Deuteronomy 28:12 tells us that our land has an appointed season of blessing: "The Lord will open to you His good treasure [storehouse], the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow."
  • Galatians 6:9 tells us that there is such a time as "due season" in which we will reap a harvest if we do not lose heart.
We see in Isaiah 60 that each promise we have been given has "its time" of fulfillment. We have crossed over into a new season in God as we have stepped into what Paul called "due season" and "its time!"

Jason Hooper, White Dove Ministries

Thank you for allowing me to continue to share with you. Again, if you have missed any previous posts, please go review them now by clicking here or paste and copy the following link into your browser: God Bless YOU!

Love & Blessings

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