Friday, October 12, 2012

Glory Realm Provision Mindset

Let's Renew Our Minds to the Glory Realm Provision of God!

You will think to yourself, 'My own power and the strength of my own hand have gotten me this wealth.' NO, you are to remember your God, because it is He Who is giving you the power to get wealth, in order to confirm His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as is happening even today. (Deut. 8:17-18)

Deuteronomy 8:18 says that God gives us the power to make wealth to confirm or establish His covenant. Therefore, it is with the mindset of the Kingdom that we make wealth! With that being said, the Glory Realm Living team make a firm commitment to live a life of faith that believes the promises and provision of God... day by day... moment by moment!

Starting this Sunday, October 14th, join us on this remarkable journey throughout the remainder of 2012 as we commit to a "GLORY REALM PROVISION MINDSET" ...discovering and setting our mind and finances to align with the revelation and assignment of the Abundance Jesus provided and the "End Time Transfer of Wealth!"

Check back each day, beginning Sunday as we'll provide daily doses of faith-building and mind-renewing information and inspiration to help you set your mind and keep it set for victorious Glory Realm Living! You'll truly become blessed to be a blessing.

Jesus said we are to pray that God's Kingdom comes and for His will to be done on earth... as it is in Heaven! Therefore, this is not about selfish lustful gain. Heaven is a holy atmosphere where everything is about God. This is about our exalting who He is! We shall raise a standard of the Glory and provision of God here in the earth.

You can also visit our facbook page to view the posts at: Like Our Page... we'll see you there!

Love & God's Abundant Blessing To YOU!

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