Saturday, October 20, 2012

We Have to Hear the Lord Say... This is the Way!

Day 7... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

We are upon such a special day... Day 7 of our mindset renewal process.

Today, I reiterate to you that the Glory Realm of God is for those who will believe! And for those who do believe, God's Glory Realm is producing miraculous and supernatural provision on your behalf, even finances. The key is to be led by the Spirit of God.

Today's posting is also to restate and beckon that you cannot be presumptuous in your walk with God, especially about financial provision. Within this renewal process, you must fully submit to follow the Spirit of God. As mentioned on an earlier post, you were reminded that whenever God gives a vision, the provision for what you need always comes, including finances. However, I recall a time when many dear believers have gone as far as saying, "Okay, I submit myself to live in the Glory and to totally walk by a life of faith in God, which means I don't have to work or think about anything. And I don't have to manage finances because God will be my Source of provision. I'm just going to wait for God to bring every resource my way... then I'll do this or that."

But, we have to hear the Lord say, THIS is the way, walk in it.

These precious believers made the decision to stand immaturely in faith... without having received any instruction from God. Instead of having a vision or purpose from God, they just decided to let go of everything, and their lives literally fell apart. This is not the path that God desires for us to take in wait of His provision. As mentioned before, His provision aligns with what He has given or instructed you to do. Once your purpose has been established... whether in your church or ministry, in the business marketplace as an entrepreneur, or whatever stance He has nudged you to take, provision ALWAYS comes!

It could be that doors are closed for you to the job market, because God desires you to take care of a loved one who cannot help him or herself, and God sees that they truly need you. It may be that you could not have a baby, but you've now miraculously conceived and have no idea how you'll afford the baby. But when "God sends the miracle of a baby," His provision aligns for you. Perhaps, you are unable to work, but you are in dire need of financial support... of course I believe God will provide for you. Maybe He desires for you to be the best housewife you can be for your husband. I cannot begin to fully understand nor unveil what stand He may have given you to take, because the possibilities are endless.

All I know is that when you're doing all you know to do naturally in your situation, He comes right along with supernatural solutions. The difference is, when you get that vision of Glory and God gives you a goal of what He desires for you to do, and you begin to go with God, there's always provision in that place. And as we get that vision from God, we can begin to excel and increase. We can begin to walk in the bounty and abundance of God's blessings in this day, regardless of what anybody else has predicted or said about the natural situation.

We have to hear the Lord say, this is the way, walk in it. Because those who are led by the Spirit are the mature sons of God and the earth is groaning for the manifestation of the true spiritual sons of God.

The KEY is being led by the Spirit in the Glory! We'll bring more tomorrow about this very important and spiritual key. See you on Day 8. God Bless YOU!

Thank you for allowing me to share with you. If you have missed any previous posts, please go review them now by clicking here or paste and copy the following link into your browser:

Love & Blessings

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