Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mysteries Concerning Finances That Bring God's Supernatural Increase!

Day 11... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

Today, I'd like to share with you a powerful and insightful video interview message by a well known general of the Gospel, Craig Hill.

Craig Hill says, "If I don't reveal what God has shown me now next year will be too late!" 

He has found ancient Biblical mysteries concerning finances that bring God's supernatural increase. Prepare and prosper even in the face of a world economy collapse.

You don't want to miss this powerful revelation! Click on the video message below:

It is predicted statistically that, in 2013, our poverty level in the US will be at the worst in 55 years. This will be the best or the worst year of your life. As for uncompromising believers who are right now grasping the outpouring of revealed knowledge from God... the BEST is here for you!

Continue to renew your mind day by day during the remainder of 2012, and you will SEE the atmosphere around you shift to manifest everything God has in store for you within the Realm of His Glory Provision!

Thank you for allowing me to share with you today! God Bless YOU!

Love & Blessings,

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