Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 GLORY SHIFT... From Mammon to Kingdom Living

2012 Glory Shift... Happy New Year!

Today, we continue and complete our topic of making the Glory Shift from Mammon to Kingdom Living, and reading through to the end reveals how to totally destroy this spirit from operating in your life, and especially your finances.  Set yourself to have and enjoy a very prosperous, healthy and financially abundant 2012!

For some time now, within the past few years, God has been saying to us, "Behold, I'm doing a new thing." He has been all the while perfecting and transitioning us for what is getting ready to take place starting in 2012! Throughout 2011, we continually heard that we should SHIFT! The end of August 2011, we along the US eastern coast experienced a physical shaking of earthquakes and hurricanes that manifested within the natural from what I believed to be a supernatural shaking that took place to such a degree in the spiritual realm that it created a physical interference.

2012 shall be a time of great revival and some of the most awesome glory moves we've seen so far. We will begin to experience the greater works of Jesus to a greater degree. Within the Kingdom of God, we are right now being elevated to new levels of authority and dominion. This will be a year when God begins to establish the strategic placement of His people through whom His Glory and anointing shall flow exponentially throughout the earth.

  • Proverbs 16:1-3 and 19:21 of the Amplified Bible declare, "The plans of the mind and orderly thinking belong to man, but from the Lord comes the wise answer of the tongue. All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirits, the thoughts and intents of the heart. Roll your works upon the Lord, committing and trusting them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and so shall your plans be established and succeed. Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

This shift that has taken place is a GLORY SHIFT! The knowledge of God's Glory is now throughout the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). In past years, God's appointed times of feasts were and still are High Holy Days when I believe these appointments would invite supernatural open portals toward Heaven into our atmosphere. I believe that this recent supernatural shift of Glory that took place within our atmosphere was the impartation of a continual open portal of God's Glory to manifest and perform miracles, connecting the plans of Heaven with the Kingdom of God in the earth. Most importantly, it's about the answers of wisdom flowing to us directly from the Throne Room of the Lord.

As God continues to establish the placement of His people, we must keep in mind to not be distracted by the surroundings of our environments, so that we'll not block this continual flow of His anointing through our lives. Keep in mind that your thoughts and intentions are weighed by God. Many times what we believe to be pure does not align with the holiness of His Heavenly Glory as being pure and right. As we continue to unfold the directive of Jesus' saying that "no one can serve two masters... God and mammon," we cannot submit to replace God with what we think is pure, but instead we submit to yield our will and works over to wholly commit and entrust them to Him.

In shifting to this state of being, the Word proclaims that, "He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and so shall your plans be established and succeed." And we come to know that through our many plans for 2012, only the Lord's purposes for us will stand! Many of us have already experienced that even though we've had a multitude of plans, only those that align with our divine purpose are still a part of our lives. So as you go into this new year, submit all that you do COMPLETELY to God. When you do, your mindset and intentions will begin to align with His, and unfold the clarity of His purposes over your life. As you walk forward in clarity of this new purpose, doors will begin to open supernaturally, and your decrees will begin to establish and manifest because your faith is aligned with what you totally expect from Him.

In knowing and agreeing with God's will, He becomes Master, and your plans begin to align with Him. The problem is that the master spirit of mammon wants you to serve him. Mammon deceives one to believe that he can provide security, importance, freedom, power, independence, love, peace... especially through money, but he CANNOT give you any of that. Mammon can only counterfeit what God does. Regardless of how much wealth you own, those provisions can only be truly attained through the Spirit of God.
  • In Luke's account (18:22) of a very rich young man who came to Jesus desiring to be saved and asked what he had to do. Jesus told him to sell everything, give to the poor, and you'll have treasure in Heaven; then come and follow Me.  
  • Jesus didn't say this to every person who wanted to follow Him. There were others who had money, but He said it to this man because He knew this man was gripped by the power of this evil spirit through his money.
  • Yet, a rich man Zacchaeus' story is opposite, because he broke the power of this evil over him by giving away lots of money, and because of this, salvation came to his household. 

So HOW do we break free from the spirit of mammon in order that we may have a blessed and abundantly prosperous 2012, and have our plans to be established and succeed?

Along with submitting our will, assignments and purposes to God, we're also instructed to STOP being anxious for our lives... to STOP being worried about life. Some versions say, "Take no thought!" You should be commanding your thoughts to align with Christ. In God, you can shift the atmosphere at any given moment, and in that moment be comforted to know that the atmosphere contains the rarified air of Heaven to believe God is in control, and anything is possible. But in mammon, you will ALWAYS worry and take thought on how you'll live your life and take care of yourself, because mammon wants to be master. Mammon does not want you to hear from God and have peace, and he wants you to think that you need money as the source of you caring for yourself. 

Jesus lets you know that you cannot serve both... and as believers we already clearly know which Master we are to serve... Our Father God! Therefore, we are to submit ourselves to Him through our words, thoughts, deeds, actions and our money. Jesus died so that we would experience abundance in this life, so you are definitely not choosing to experience lack by choosing to submit your finances to God. In fact, it is just the opposite, choosing God is choosing a life of royalty and wealthy status.

Mammon promises you everything, but gives you nothing, because he's a liar! Mammon promises you things that ONLY GOD ALONE can provide and give you. And money answers to and serves you, not the other way around. In fact, the church and the body of Christ is hugely blessed by people who LOVE GOD, and who receive His power and ability to make a lot of money, then they use it to advance the Kingdom of God.

However, the spirit of mammon operates so greatly here in our western society because of the desire to always want more, and to want it now! And many of us have been seduced into believing those lies of having to have it now, even if we can't afford it... creating DEBT. That spirit is even a part of our education system, especially when a student graduates and is immediately enslaved by debt, some owing thousands of dollars before they even have work.

Because we know that everything operates by spiritual laws and principles, that's how we know that all things turn to work in our favor when we submit our hearts and wills to trust and believe for God to bless, care for, and to prosper us. The earth is the Lord's; He owns everything, and He gives us what He owns for us to enjoy. We are stewards... of our gifts, talents and finances. In totally shifting our purposes and finances to God, we're entrusting Him to prosper us and to supply and provide for us.

From this day forward, when the money subject comes up, make a spiritual shift in your mindset to know that you are a steward of the money God has given you. Tithing and giving completely annihilates and destroys the spirit of mammon off your finances. Allow your heart to have a spirit of giving. Giving redeems your finances from mammon, and stops the enemy from devouring your money. Being a faithful and good steward over your money releases it from the spirit of mammon. When you tithe and give, you are making a declaration to the spiritual realm that you are destroying the power of that spirit over your life.

For 2012, set your faith on the "Expectation" dial! You've been given the authority and dominion to Boldly and Prophetically proclaim decrees of His wisdom, glory, purposes, blessing, prosperity and favor over your life and the lives of your family and loved ones for 2012! Make the shift from mammon to Kingdom Living... Your Wealthy Place & Success Are Waiting For YOU! 


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