Tuesday, October 18, 2011

SHIFT... From Mammon To Kingdom Living

God is Shaking, Perfecting & Preparing Us For His GLORY!

This Shift...
IS A Glory Shift!

We have entered into a spiritually significant season of being continually made ready as the glorious bride of Christ, a church without spot, blemish or wrinkle!  Therefore, we should be humbling ourselves to be perfected by Him, while going forth within our assignments as carriers of His Amazing Glory!  We are right now in the midst of preparing for what is coming... the harvest of souls and His Glory!

God and His Kingdom are Supernatural!  When we realize this and begin to get our direction from Heaven, then extraordinary miracles shall become common for us.  Even the greater works shall become normal and natural as they were for Jesus, when we realize that we operate with supernatural authority and power within the Kingdom of God. We should be moving in the miraculous as signs and wonders follow us. We should be speaking to mountains, and they should be moving because the Word of God is TRUE! Habakkuk 2:14 tells us that the time is coming when the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.  And we are now living in that time of abundant knowledge of God's Glory! We are living in the moment when we can be carriers of His Glory throughout the earth!  Hallelujah!

In Matthew's account of the Gospel, Chapter 4, it records the beginning of Jesus' ministry. He began to preach to them to "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" Jesus went on from there gathering His disciples whom He decreed that He would make fishers of men if they'd allow Him to be their Guide and follow Him.  Jesus then went all about "teaching, and preaching the good news of the Kingdom, and healing every disease and every weakness and infirmity among the people."  It is recorded that the report of Jesus began to spread and people began to bring to Him ALL who were sick and afflicted with disease and torments, and those under the power of demons and epileptics and paralyzed people AND HE HEALED THEM ALL!

God is right now SHAKING US!  And within His Kingdom, WE are those believers and doers of the greater works to imitate Jesus in going about teaching, preaching the good news of the Kingdom, being fishers of men, and healing ALL who are sick and afflicted!  If you've yet to discover your purpose, just go forward being about this awesome Kingdom assignment for God.  LET'S BE CARRIERS OF HIS KINGDOM GLORY IN THE EARTH!  

Great crowds had joined and accompanied Jesus, and He went up on the mountain and began to teach what we now know as "The Sermon on the Mount."  During this sermon, Jesus makes a very profound statement, that "No one can serve two masters."  Jesus also closes this particular verse saying, " You cannot serve God and mammon."  The word "serve" here is a Greek word "douleuo" which means to obey and submit to, or to give oneself up in yielding your obedience to.  It is from the root word "doulos" which is to be a slave or bondman in giving yourself up to another's will.

In this statement, Jesus says that no one can serve two masters.  Therefore, Jesus is saying that no one is able to yield themselves in obedience to, or give themselves up to two masters simultaneously.  Jesus said that your love and devotion will be toward one of these two masters, while the other you will hate, despise, and be against.  Jesus is saying that one of these masters is to whom you will give your will, and to whom you will grant to have that place of honor and respect.  And He lets us know in saying we "cannot," meaning that we don't have power within ourselves to have "both" as our master.  So you can't be neutral about this matter.  Jesus Himself calls mammon a master spirit.  He is saying here that you need to decide to give yourself up to the will of God as Master, or to the will of mammon as master.

This verse has also been taught that, you cannot serve God and money.  But mammon is not money; it is much more than money.  Jesus uses an Aramaic word mammon, which represents greed and lust.  The word's Aramaic origin is mamonas, which means confidence in treasure, riches or wealth personified and opposed to God.  The ancient Greeks personified the forces of nature as gods, having the power to manifest and materialize wealth.  Mammon was a Syrian god of riches.  This Syrian god or spirit came out of Babylon. Babylon comes from the word babble which means confusion.  So Babylon means "sown in confusion."

Have you ever noticed during times when you face a situation that you have no means of producing the money or the results to resolve it, but you go to God and get peace about it, and come away knowing that He will handle it for you.  Oohhhh, but here they come... "What are you gonna do?... You need to do more than that!... Oh, okay, we'll just see, wait on God if you want to and be put out!"  All of a sudden, confusion tries to come in!!!

In the Bible, remember the Tower of Babel.  It was a project where the people came together in pride and arrogance to try and get to God on their own.  They attempted to get to Heaven on their own terms through their own strength and riches.  But God sent confusion upon them to stop their plans.  Babylon came from the tower of Babel and was founded on that pride and arrogance that says man doesn't need God.  And mammon is that same prideful, arrogant spirit that says you don't need God.

Mammon is a master spirit that is the same dangerous and seducing spiritual power that manifests behind money.  It is evil, and it traps and enslaves people through how they use, and how they think about money and things.  Mammon says, you don't need God... you need some money! So the spirit of mammon tries to replace God with money. When that happens, the handling of your money becomes a heart issue, and a discipleship and stewardship issue... and now your money spiritually operates with the spirit of mammon behind it.

But of course we know that money itself is not evil, because 1Timothy 6:10 says, it's the LOVE for the money that is rooted in evil, not money itself.  It's the heart issue about the money that causes it to carry the Spirit of God on it or the spirit of mammon on it. Therefore, you need to recognize that a rival evil god competes for your money.  And this incredibly powerful evil spirit has been hard at work in the hearts of the people.  And the spirit of mammon produces one thing in the hearts of men and women, whether rich or poor --> GREED... and greed is sin.  When you see the sin of greed at work, you will always see the spirit of mammon at work.  And you will NEVER fool our All-Knowing God as to which one you are serving.

As mentioned before, we are in a time of great shaking!  The Book of Revelation says, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great."  This ungodly system of mammon will fall!  And when this monetary system of mammon that is bound in unrighteousness and idolatry and all manner of evil does fall, we shall align with the posture of Heaven which will be in great celebration, because our trust is in God and His System of provision!  He said that His will shall be done on earth for us, as already done in Heaven.  So we'll continue to keep our eyes fixed on Heaven, and continue to decree His Word of provision for our lives, because we live within His Supernatural Kingdom here in the earth.  We trust God alone to ALWAYS come through for us!  He has divinely inspired encounters already aligned and waiting just for us! Because we are in this world, but not of it; we are of His Supernatural Kingdom where promises are always Yes and Amen!

The Good News is that Jesus gave us the heads-up about this evil master spirit.  Therefore, we within the Kingdom of God know which to serve... which to obey and submit to... which to yield in obedience to... and which to give our wills over to... GOD, of course!  Therefore, as those belonging to the Kingdom of God, we can decree it this way: We serve God alone as Master. We love and are devoted to Him.  We serve Him alone and the FULLNESS of our faith and trust is in Him. We do NOT walk by what we see, but we walk by faith in Him, being fully convinced and knowing  that what He has promised, He is also able to do.  He watches over His Word to perform it just for us.  As we decree His Word, He establishes it! Our temporary situations are always subject to supernatural change! SO SHIFT!

The Good News is that we can allow our faith in God to charge and electrify the atmosphere that surrounds us to be filled with His Presence, His Love, His Peace, His Joy, and His Amazing Glory. So be mindful that you are continually charging the atmosphere that surrounds you by your faith-filled thoughts and words. And as we walk by this Spirit-filled Glory-ignited faith, we go forth as carriers of His Glory with the ability to shift atmospheres everywhere we go. SO SHIFT!

The Good News is that God is breaking the arm of wickedness.  Psalm 10:15 declares, "Lord, break the arm of the wicked man; and as for the evil man, search out his wickedness until You find no more." We are in a Heavenly Justice Transition! Things are transitioning and turning around! He is fighting battles on our behalf. We can believe God for His justice and breakthrough! SO SHIFT!

The Good News is that God has said in Hebrews 12 that once again He will shake not only the earth, but the Heavens also. This means that all creation will be shaken, but He also said that only the unshakable things will remain. And verse 28 says, since we are receiving a Kingdom that is firm and stable and cannot be shaken (unshakable), let us be pleasing to God by worshiping Him with holy fear and awe! His Kingdom is UNSHAKABLE! So as He shakes away what should not be there, let us see this as His Glory Shift... to Shift us into our Breakthrough! And as we continue to love on Him, worship Him, and thank Him and seek first and above all His Kingdom, He will gloriously add to us... INCREASE IS ON THE WAY! SO SHIFT! GLORY TO GOD!!!

As I've said before, during this new season, dreams, visions and angelic encounters are also on the increase. Assignments and Heavenly spiritual strategies are being downloaded and established. God is revealing like never before, and when you live by His divine revelation, you NEVER have to worry about what it looks like right now, because you know that the end is victorious! SO YOU'VE ALREADY WON!

Even in the midst of economic decline, God is orchestrating this Powerful and Supernatural Glory Shift! Therefore, it is crucial that we keep our eyes on God Who gives us the power to get wealth which shall be used to establish His Kingdom. God is right now shifting and transferring wealth and abundant finances into the hands of the righteous, and into the Kingdom of God here in the earth. Don't miss YOUR breakthrough! SHIFT NOW!

Glory Realm Living has much more to come about the spirit of mammon. Until then, God's Abundant Blessings to you as you continue to live naturally supernatural in the Realm of His Amazing Glory!

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