Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012 Predicts... Wealthy Entrepreneurs!

Soul Successful in Life & Business!
Helping Visionary Heart-Centered Women Entrepreneurs
Make BIG Change. Take BIG Action. Be Soul Successful.

2012 Predicts... Wealthy Entrepreneurs

[Shared by Be Soul Successful, Glory Realm Living's Program for Women Entrepreneurs]

Can you believe we're already halfway through the first month of 2012? So what have you accomplished in your business so far this month? Do you have a plan for this year, and a mapped out strategy to get you there?

As the New Year is ushered in, we all get to experience the exhilarating energy that comes with the start of a new year. The atmosphere gets all charged up with bursts of anointing for new strategies and new beginnings! And here at Be Soul Successful, we are already exploding with tons of exciting ideas, business building strategies, and gems of success just for you!

So, how will you set yourself to be one of those predicted "Wealthy Entrepreneurs?" One way is to make an intentional mindset shift toward deciding that this wealth is for you. Then determine to make 2012 different by being very strategic about putting into action what you are determined to make happen. If you knew you could not fail, what would you do differently in 2012? But no worries, because Be Soul Successful has a BIG determination to help make being a "wealthy entrepreneur" your status for 2012.

So, what makes 2012 be the Year for Wealthy Entrepreneurs? Since the 1960's, mankind has been in a period of transition. But you are now entering a whole new era... an era where you are harmoniously aligning with your soul's purpose for being here. You are right now living in a very pivotal place within the history of mankind. This pivot is the shift we've all been hearing so much about. And it is important for you to quickly posture yourself for this new era and dimension of time. During 2012, heart and purpose-centered entrepreneurs will shift and change on a deeper level, and move forward faster than ever before. This will also be an inward journey of your soul aligning to prosper as according to 3 John 1:2 coming to life in you! You will be spiritually lifted into higher realms of understanding and greater confidence as you're drawn toward that wealthy place you were always destined to be.

So, is this truly possible for me, and how, you ask? Well, because everything has been shifting and transitioning over the last few decades, most things as you know them will not be the same. However, as a result of your shifting your mindset and re-positioning to allow your spirit from within to overtake and be in control of you as a being, this will work to your advantage. As a heart and soul-centered entrepreneur, you will now be led by that part of you which is connected to God. It is the most intellectually wise aspect of you which will allow you to experience higher realms of understanding and a more fearless confidence within the coming months. This will begin to spiritually align and draw you toward that wealthy place you were always destined to be.

Is this some cosmic mumbo-jumbo? And how can I grow my business this way? The answer is no, this is not cosmic. I am not a star gazer, nor attempting to draw you into the laws of attraction. This is a valid prophetic prediction as to how successful I believe you have been set up to be for 2012. And yes, as a result, you will indeed grow your business and succeed if you take action. As your Success Strategist and Coach, I help you to increase and grow a solid successful business exponentially and to extreme levels through these newsletters chocked full of very valuable and applicable business strategies, as well as other available tools and coaching methods. This article is simply documenting an awareness of a spiritual transformation taking place within our atmosphere. Because, if you have noticed feeling a bit off kilter or unusual lately, or lacking your normal energy, even noticing feelings of urgency to do something that seems greater than your ability to do, this is no coincidence. It is because you are experiencing that pivotal shift.

Paradigms are changing... which makes this the best time for YOU to be an entrepreneur! The marketplace is shifting from that male-dominated place into a place of being more relational. And if you are a women in business working through the internet, commerce or by any means of getting your message out, THIS IS YOUR YEAR! You are shifting into new realms and dimensions within the business marketplace. The atmosphere is definitely changing and aligning for you to succeed in business like never before. 

Get started TODAY! There is no way you will not succeed in 2012, because I am here to help you prosper in a BIG way! Join us this Sunday at 11:00 a.m. EST to hear more about the what's to come and what to expect in 2012! See more information below about the weekly spiritual equipping calls!

I'd like to extend a very warm welcome to all our new subscribers, including those joining us from Glory Realm Living and our blog. Thank you for allowing me to share in your life and business. Also, the Be Soul Successful website will be ready for viewing later this week. I'm so ready, what about YOU?

To Your Success, Debra Norwood, Success Strategist @ Be Soul Successful

Join Us This
Join us on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. EST for our weekly spiritual equipping teleconference calls designed to inspire and supernaturally empower you to succeed to extreme levels in life and business. Your faith will excel in powerful ways to overcome obstacles, challenges and fear, as well as maximize your potential for success.  I also encourage you to share this email and teleconference information with family and friends to maximize the viral effect of this invaluable call. 

*See Dial-In Teleconference # and Conference Code below.
*Calls Held Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. EST
*Teleconference # 712-432-3066 . Conference Code 724543

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