Thursday, October 21, 2010

HEAVEN... GOD Wants To "Bow The Heavens & Come To Your Rescue!!"

GOD wants to "bow the heavens and come down" on behalf of your cry!

Prepare for your supernatural heavenly encounter... THE BATTLE IS THE LORD'S!!!

In 2Samuel 21 there was a three-year famine during this time, and the Lord told David that it was because of the uncleanness of Saul's hands, and what Saul had done. David went forth making every effort to atone and make things right. After a time, vs. 15 lets us know that there was war again with Israel. But during this war, David became faint. Once again, David was up against GIANTS!!! The Bible even records that one man (vs. 20) was of great stature and had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number; he also was a descendant of the giants. CAN YOU IMAGINE!!!

YET... in Chapter 22, David did not begin his cry to the Lord telling God how big these giants were, instead David began to speak to the Father about WHO AND HOW BIG GOD IS!!! He said: The LORD is my ROCK and my FORTRESS and my DELIVERER. My GOD, my ROCK, in HIM will I take refuge; my SHIELD and the HORN of my SALVATION; my STRONGHOLD and my REFUGE, my SAVIOR -- YOU SAVE ME FROM VIOLENCE! I call on YOU, WHO is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies!!!

David cried out to God in his distress, and the Word says... GOD HEARD DAVID'S VOICE from His temple... David's cry came into His ears... the earth reeled and quaked, the foundations of the heavens trembled and shook...

AND GOD BOWED THE HEAVENS AND CAME DOWN!!! (vs. 10) ALL of the Heavens came to the rescue!!! David said God delivered him because He was delighted in him (vs. 20). The Lord rewarded David according to his uprightness with Him, and compensated and benefited him according to the cleanness of his hands (vs. 21). HALLELUAH!!!

I pray this prepares you to be excited that God WANTS to bow the heavens and come down on your behalf. You're His sons and daughters; You're His BELOVED!!! Right now, many are encountering famine during this economy, and feeling faint as David was from constant battle against the enemy. But DO NOT take part in that famined economy that the world is in. Arise, in new strength, and continually walk upright before Him Always! And as you cry out to God, PREPARE FOR YOUR SUPERNATURAL HEAVENLY ENCOUNTER!!! YOU JUST GOTTA LOVE LIVING IN THE DIMENSION & REALM OF HIS GLORY!!

If we are to pray God's Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, then we need to know what Heaven is like... The Father is opening before you His Good Treasury and hidden wisdom and secrets about Heaven and the Kingdom of Heaven that's here on the earth... where you dwell! EXPECT TO COME SOON... BLOG ON: THE 7 LEVELS OF HEAVEN, followed by KINGDOM OF HEAVEN HERE ON EARTH!!! MUCH LOVE TO YOU!

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