Sunday, October 10, 2010

10-10-10 God's Glory Invaded The Atmosphere!

TODAY... The Fullness of God's Glory is Invading the Earth's Atmosphere!

God's Glory & Best for you is even trying to invade your circumstances! The angels are hearkening to the words being spoken. The set time of our favor is here and has pierced the atmosphere on our behalf!

God Is Love... And when He created you, He wired you for Love because you were made in His image. He created you to be "just like your Father... Him!" Genesis 1:27 lets us know that before man was ever physically formed, God created the male and female of mankind in His very own image and likeness... as a spiritual being! At that very moment, YOU were created from the very DNA of His Love, and designed for spiritual things and God's purposes! And that is why you are in this world, but not of it. And because you are a supernatural being, the supernatural should be your normal way of living... not as the world has taught you to live, but as God CREATED you to live!

Ephesians 1:4 of the Amplified Bible lets us know that "Even in His love He chose us and actually picked us out for Himself as His own in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy consecrated and set apart for Him, and blameless in His sight, even above reproach (disgrace), before Him in love." There are 7 levels of heaven that I'll tell you about in a later blog, but one level is Aravot which has a storehouse of life containing "the force of life" for all those yet to be born... where you were before He knit you to the physical being that was formed in your mother's womb. Because when God finished His Creation in Genesis 2:1, he had made everything that would ever be! Therefore, before the foundation of the world, you were specifically chosen and destined for this time!

Before Earth's Creation, the Bible also tells us that God entered this atmosphere and saw an empty waste of darkness that was void and without form. Yet, He did not call it by what He saw. As the Spirit of God was hovering and brooding, in Genesis 1:3, He called it light, saying "Let there be light!" And this light was not the illumination of the sun (which was shown to be created later in verse 14), but this light was the Heavenly Luminaries of God's Glory invading the Earth's atmosphere!!! And as spiritual beings in His image, we're wired to do the same as our Father, not call our situation the way we see it, but call it what we know it should be in accordance with His "Vast Riches and Richness of this Glory!" We should call our bodies and relationships "healed and whole in the Name of Jesus," our financial status "wealthy in the Name of Jesus," our bills "paid in the Name of Jesus!" We were the ones He chose to be a part of His Glory for this time.

In 2 Corinthians 4:6, God said, light will shine out of darkness, and this is the light that shines in our hearts to reveal and illuminate the knowledge of the Glory of God in the Presence of Jesus Messiah. This knowledge we were to have was "of the GLORY OF GOD" in us through Christ. Christ came to restore us to this Glory... Shining in, through and on us is the very same Glory Adam wore and possessed before eating of the tree. And just as the enemy deceived Adam and Eve back then causing them to lose this Glory that was so much a part of their lives... it was their very atmosphere, is the same way he is deceiving believers today. The enemy does not want you to know about this PRESENCE OF GOD'S GLORY that became a part of you when you received Christ!

Through Christ, you have been restored to this Glory!!! And NOW the Glory of God has invaded our atmosphere during this season. It cannot be seen by everyone in the Earth, but can be a big part of your life by you simply believing it, receiving it, and walking in obedience to Him for this Glory to invade your every circumstance, SEALING YOUR VICTORY TODAY! This is your New Dimension of Supernatural Living!

I'm totally enjoying 10-10-10 and hanging out with Holy Spirit today! And because I know God has turned everything around, I have already experienced the miraculous today! Until next time, LOVE YOU!

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