Monday, July 12, 2010

Shake Off The Old... It does not belong in the REALM OF THE GLORY!!!

Shake off the Old... It does not belong in the REALM OF THE GLORY!!!
Today, I'm sharing a post from July 12, 2010, which I think is very appropriate during this mindset renewal. Allow these posts to take root within you so that you will become a powerful and effective force within the earth. Allow God's blessings to be multiplied to you in abundance.

When a baby elephant is born in a circus, they tie its leg to a stake with a strong chain. Over time, they gradually reduce the thickness of the chain. By the time the elephant is fully grown, its leg is only "held" by a flimsy piece of rope.

However, in the elephant's mind, it believes that its leg is still tied to the stake with a strong chain... feeling completely bound only by belief.

What do you believe?

You could say "a lifestyle of complete blessings, freedom, abundance, favor, nothing missing and nothing broken just isn't possible for you. " OR... You can test the strength of your rope AND BREAK FREE!!! Break free to live a life FILLED WITH BLESSINGS AND FAVOR AND ABUNDANCE!!!

"Whether you think you can, or think you can't -- you're right." Henry Ford

Within Glory Realm Living, you should not only believe that you can break free, but YOU SHOULD BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE FREE!!! All the things of the past that make us feel fearful, bad, hindered and restrained only "feel and seem" like strong chains, but they are definitely only flimsy ropes that can be shaken off.

GLORY REALM LIVING is a new Dimension of Living! Embrace It and Live It Out!

Until Next Time... Allow all of your senses to be in full awareness of the unseen that surrounds you!

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