Friday, July 2, 2010

Doubt & Fear Destroys Purpose

Having conceived of our purpose, we should mentally mark out a straight pathway to its achievement. Doubts and fears should be rigorously excluded. Purpose, energy, power to do, and all strong thoughts cease when doubt and fear creep in.

[James Allen, As A Man Thinketh]

Fear paralyzes and hinders progress of the intentions of Abba our Heavenly Father. He has put within you His divine will, wisdom and power to continually push forward through obstacles and challenges, and to succeed. Command fear to depart, and allow the Holy Spirit to work through you until Abba's every purpose is manifested and revealed within this physical realm.
Anecdote for Fear: Perfect Love Casts Fear Outside.
Glory Realm Living will provide you the tools from the Word of God enabling you to live a life free from the devastation of fear, and instead to live fearlessly in a life lived powerfully and filled with love and a completely sound mind.

Regardless of the reason you may have not yet succeeded, it is ALL rooted in fear. Fear keeps you focused on the past, on crisis situations, and paralyzed from moving forward into your destiny. Even worry subtly finds its way into your mind, will and emotions, causing you to make decisions based on fear. Fear is destructive and is an obstacle that hinders success.
Walk in the Love of God, and in the Light of His Word & Will, and Live Powerfully in the Realm of His Glory!

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