Thursday, October 23, 2014

Faith....FrFr: Watch Your Mouth

Faith....FrFr: Watch Your Mouth: I began to read a book that I have had for quite some time- The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I was very hesitant about reading it because...

Faith....FrFr: I’m Not Ready to be Saved

Faith....FrFr: I’m Not Ready to be Saved: I must admit, although I was raised in the church, I did not have a full understanding of what it meant to be saved. Does it mean t...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Prayers Answered... Breakthrough Time Is Here!

Prayers Are Being Answered
Supernaturally & Instantaneously

Breakthrough Time Is Here!

These are very exciting times!!! I hope all is well with everyone!

I want to reiterate on this 10th day of February that things have shifted in the spiritual realm, and we have truly entered a time of breakthrough and supernatural experiences! All required by you is that you believe and be in great expectation of the supernatural!

Whatever you've prayed for... all you need to do now is thank Him and go about each and every day as if your prayers are already answered! Then, be sure to give Him all the Glory for touching your life... with His answers, His angels, His miracles and every supernatural experience!

When Jesus said, "It is finished!" It was done! And now, may everything be done for you on earth as it's already done on your behalf in heaven!

I am in tears as I see the goodness of God forming all around me... some prayers being answered instantaneously... everything concerning my life is changing even as I write this blog post. And I know He is doing the same for YOU!

Expect His Supernatural Touch TODAY!

Be Blessed,

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February... A Month of Miraculous Flow

February... A Month of Miraculous Flow

This will be a month of miracles for you, but you must set yourself to receive them. For those of you who have trusted God, yet experienced relentless disappointment, this message is for YOU!

"Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick,
but a sudden good break can turn life around."
Proverbs 13:12 Msg Bible

A couple of days ago, I experienced a very noticeable shift of spiritual momentum in the atmosphere, and observed the sudden manifestation of even my most quiet intimate prayers. Right now, it's important that you not be distracted nor accept the discouragement that comes, but instead, trust God as you invest and buy into the expectation of a sudden good break!! You, too, will begin to see and experience even the most intimate of your quiet heartfelt prayers coming to past.

This is truly a time of suddenlies... a time of sudden good breaks for you! The time has arrived for the manifestation of His promises in your life! Simply remain focused on your assignment from God, take action toward the dreams and promises He has placed within your heart, and you shall surely experience the supernatural of miracles exploding all around you and dreams coming true. This is your time to shine!

To His Glory & Your Huge Success,


Saturday, January 18, 2014

2014... Your Love-Fest Year!

Better late than never (as they say)....
Happy New Year & Welcome 2014!!!

I hope you are very excited about what this new year and new season will bring! There are wonderful things in store for you in the close and coming days. As I've written on my sister biz blog,, there have been many good things prophesied and predicted about this New Year. It has been declared as:

  • The Year of God's Manifested Goodness!
  • The Year of the Greater Glory!
  • Your Year of Miracles & the Supernatural!

Any way you look at it, there seems to be an expectation of great things in store for you. Get ready for your dreams and visions to take off into full manifestation and success!

As some of you may have noticed, last year was quite challenging for many, to say the least... Whew!!! And at the year's end, there was a very noticeable increase of tragedies. Also, for many of us, it was a year of pruning and a very busy year of preparation toward our visions and purposes from God. Whatever the season or reason, we made it!!! We've crossed over and have totally shifted into an atmosphere that's charged with the Glory of God. For some, it's your time to shift out of those really tough places and to experience breakthrough!

Today, I ponder on this thought... "We must embrace LOVE!"

I am convinced this will catapult us into the fullness of God's glory that is hovering over our lives right now.
  • When Jesus went about gathering a following of disciples, He didn't go out only to find those who were just like Him. They were quite an eclectic group, yet in the end, "through fellowship" they (all but one) deeply loved and desired to be just like Him, ultimately doing the miraculous works He did and spreading the good news of the Gospel.
  • Yet, I've been to quite a host of Churches, some where I remained for many years, and others where I didn't stay as long. I've seen and experienced, not everything, but a LOT! I've been where there was a huge flow the God's beautiful Spirit and Love. I've also discerned times of great anointing flowing from pulpits and Believers, yet very little to no Church growth, and not much flow of the miraculous and supernatural in some places. Yet, this post is in no way summing up any conclusions to reasons about Church growth, but simply to place regard upon the droves of people being propelled toward other sources of what they see as loving, instead of Christ's Body. Unfortunately, in some instances however, that power flow was seasoned with a bit of judgment, legalism, condemnation, and sometimes a lack of love.
  • Conclusion: What I have found to be powerfully working through some Believers and Churches is a controlling and destructive spirit of Religion, which strongly turns newcomers away. The world is turning in droves toward powerful new age and universal teachings and systems, which are found to be all-accepting and "powerfully loving"!
  • How can this be... when the Church and Believers are the "Body" of the most Powerful and Loving of all that exists??? So why is the world not turning in droves toward our most powerful love? How can this be when Jesus Himself was supernatural, drawing multitudes, and desires for you to do greater works than He?
  • Where His Love, Glory and Power flows, miracles flow! Therefore, I further conclude that it is of the utmost importance, and as the greatest command left to us by Jesus, that "we must embrace LOVE!"
As a Believer, the very best way to embrace this love is to fall in love with LOVE Himself... through having "fellowship and relationship" with Jesus Christ! I absolutely know that He would simply LOVE THAT! God's Spirit and Love will flow through you, abundantly! And as you come to know and embrace Him, you'll become a powerful carrier of His Love and Glory, and you will be "the love miracle" that He manifests to and for others in the earth.

Secondly, become mindful of your words and actions to align them with this love and with what you are expecting to manifest in your life. You will begin to affect the world in amazing, miraculous ways!

Beloved, be in great expectation in 2014 and watch as your every wish, dream and promise begin to manifest one after another and another and another... a never-ending love-fest year just for you!

Blessings to YOU in Abundance,