Wednesday, November 14, 2012

God Commands His Blessings To Overtake YOU!

May ALL the blessings that God commanded in Deuteronomy 28 come upon you and overtake you... as you listen to and obey the voice of God.

In the Name of Jesus, I command the blessings of God to be upon your life, your family and household, the work of your hands, and be a part of your atmosphere everywhere that you are... and as you come and go! Upon entering this blog spot, you have entered the time and place where the Blessing of God is commanded upon your life!

Having crossed out of darkness into God's MARVELOUS Light, I hope your mindset is continually being renewed and that through your faith in God, you're setting up an atmosphere for the prosperity of God to overtake you! I've not posted daily, but pray you're feasting on previous faith-building articles. Because no matter how often you read, re-read and feast upon Him and His Word, He is good... ALL THE TIME! So, continue to set yourself up for a STRONG 2012 finish, and prepare yourself for an extremely prosperous 2013!

Right now in the world, there's much fear about the economic shakings, even when we read about the end times and the one-world government in the book of Revelation, where there will be a system established with no buying or selling without the mark of the beast. Even in my country of the United States, there has been fear and shaking after our recent presidential election. Spirits of fear and division have entered the hearts of the people.

BUT DO NOT ALLOW ANY OF WHAT YOU READ AND HEAR TO PRODUCE FEAR... Because YOU are not subject to any beast! YOU are subject to the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! YOU are subject to the KING of all beasts! Therefore, YOUR provision in these end times is blessed and assured through Him! YOU are subject to God, and He alone is YOUR Source!

God did not give you a spirit of fear, but He wants for you to rest in the peace and soundness of His Love towards YOU. He commands His Blessing and Favor upon your life. When passing out of darkness into light, God translated you out of the world's system and into the Kingdom of God system, and into an extremely wealthy place.

Do NOT put worry and fear into HOW! Simply place your trust completely in WHO! You only need to know the One Who is Your Supernatural Abundant Provision... He is Jehovah Jireh, the Lord God as your Provider. He's also known as El Shaddai, the God of more than enough! He is more than able to meet all your needs.

Just remember that God created YOU for His Blessing. He placed His blessing upon you when creating you as a spirit, then sent you to live in a body that He Himself knit together in your mother's womb. Whatever you've been through and wherever you are now will all be turned around to favor and bless you, regardless of what it looks like. Keep faith in the One Who can cause it to turn out good for YOU. He is soooo pleased when you walk by faith and trust in Him. He promises to fight for YOU.

He's created the Realm of His Goodness, Glory and Provision here in the earth... just for YOU! BELIEVE THAT!

Love & Blessings,

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Just Suppose... That You Were Jesus

Just suppose, for thought-sake, that you were Jesus, having the ability and power to get yourself or loved ones out of tragic and troublesome situations... from being lonely, sad and depressed... from being overweight, sick and diseased... from lacking and being broke... from feeling as though your life has been cursed and is sometimes on a path toward failure... or just any other imagined tragedy or troublesome circumstance.

While supposing, just what would you have done differently within the course of your and your family's lives that would have brought about different and more favorable results? And, would you immediately assure that every discomfort and painful encounter would somehow miraculously turn toward favorable and successful results for you?

Again, while supposing, what situation or circumstance in your life are you desiring to have some immediate miraculous relief? Even though you've believed for good results, what in your life is attached to an inner scream and constant feeling that, "Ugh, this will never change!"

Now, let us immediately relieve ourselves by placing our thoughts and burdens back onto Jesus. WHEW! Yes, you may have prayed with no favorable results. Yes, you may have believed and confessed with no manifestation of change. So, what exactly is going on here?

First of all, it's not always about what is going on, but today we conclude that it's about what has already happened for you. As I mentioned in previous posts, sometimes our minds have been conditioned to not expect favorable results. After all, we've seen first hand how family around us and those generations before us who loved God, yet many of them died sick, diseased, in calamity and broke! At times, we look around us and cannot see any reflection of God's Glory. Of course we've seen happiness and fun times in our lives, but if we look more deeply, those fun times were often a camouflage to cover a lot of family pain and discomfort. So how is it that we can truly believe it will be different for us when we've seen very few true blessings?

I believe the answer lies with your genetic lineage which has programmed you to FEAR the "inevitable" of what you believe your family's genetic lineage may bring your way. The bible warns that the iniquities of our earthly parents are visited upon us, even to our third and fourth generations. Therefore, lack, poverty, sickness, disease, divorce, births outside of marriages, even lack of marriages, and other curses may have entered your family's lineage. But...

IN CHRIST, you are no longer subject to your genetic lineage!

Let's suppose that you begin making healthy and wealthy decisions for you and your family based upon the wisdom of God. Start with a most important and firm decision to denounce the spirit of fear, and step boldly into faith. Next, begin making decisions based upon the wisdom of God regarding your relationships, your emotional and physical health, as well as your finances. This is how you'll move forward differently!!! And, of course, you will forever encounter trials and tribulations, but the reason the bible says that you can rejoice about that is because every uncomfortable and painful thing you have gone through and will ever go through, you can be assured that it will definitely be turned toward favorable and successful results on your behalf!

In Christ, you've crossed over into a brand new lineage. You have been supernaturally translated into the Blessings of God. And the bible also records that your decision to partake of the blessing will be visited upon your family for a thousand generations. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus has already achieved, on your behalf, everything you could ever suppose or imagine that could be done for YOU!
  • You have crossed from darkness into Light. Your new lineage is within God's Glory Realm of Light and Provision. Your new lineage is filled with blessings and promises of good and success.
  • You became a brand new creation... everything old passed away from your life, and all things became new just for you.
  • Let the "new" shine forth! As a new creation, you're now a son or daughter of God Himself. Yes, love and honor your earthly parents, but totally take on your new and different son-ship, and definitely take on your new and different genetic lineage that totally flows from heaven.
  • No one is more healthy than Jesus... He is the picture of divine health... and now, so are you!
  • No one is more prosperous than Jesus... all that's in heaven and on earth belong to Him... and now, your new lineage is wealthy beyond imagination!
  • He sends angels on your behalf to minister and to save you from tragic situations. And if you think light shows up fast... Your assigned angels can travel faster than the speed of light.
With God, all things are possible! Regardless of how much generations before you, even regardless of how our government tries to change its stance for God, God will never change His stance regarding you. Regardless of what the news reports, God will never change. Regardless of what the doctor reports, God will never change.

You must become mindful that you've shifted into a time when nothing else matters except being at one with God, and knowing that with Him nothing is impossible for you. Everything is subject to change! So hold on, change for your every circumstance and situation is at hand and on the way! Praise God that you'll never have to suppose to do it on your own... it's already done, just for YOU!

As we “behold the GLORY of God” we are being transformed into the same image “from glory to glory” by the Holy Spirit. (2 Cor. 3:18) Therefore, expect your own “transformation” – as you yourself behold HIS GLORY.

On any days that a post is not presented, please scroll through the previous day's posts... and I know you'll get exactly what you need. To see previous posts, click here.

Love & Blessings,

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shake off the Old... It does not belong in the Glory!

Shake off the Old...
It does not belong in the REALM OF THE GLORY!!!

Today, I'm sharing a post from July 12, 2010, which I think is very appropriate during this mindset renewal. Allow these posts to take root within you so that you will become a powerful and effective force within the earth. Allow God's blessings to be multiplied to you in abundance.

When a baby elephant is born in a circus, they tie its leg to a stake with a strong chain. Over time, they gradually reduce the thickness of the chain. By the time the elephant is fully grown, its leg is only "held" by a flimsy piece of rope.

However, in the elephant's mind, it believes that its leg is still tied to the stake with a strong chain... feeling completely bound only by belief.

What do you believe?

You could say "a lifestyle of complete blessings, freedom, abundance, favor, nothing missing and nothing broken just isn't possible for you. " OR... You can test the strength of your rope AND BREAK FREE!!! Break free to live a life FILLED WITH BLESSINGS AND FAVOR AND ABUNDANCE!!!

"Whether you think you can, or think you can't -- you're right." Henry Ford

Within Glory Realm Living, you should not only believe that you can break free, but YOU SHOULD BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE FREE!!! All the things of the past that make us feel fearful, bad, hindered and restrained only "feel and seem" like strong chains, but they are definitely only flimsy ropes that can be shaken off.

GLORY REALM LIVING is a new Dimension of Living! Embrace It and Live It Out!

Until Next Time... Allow all of your senses to be in full awareness of the unseen that surrounds you!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mysteries Concerning Finances That Bring God's Supernatural Increase!

Day 11... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

Today, I'd like to share with you a powerful and insightful video interview message by a well known general of the Gospel, Craig Hill.

Craig Hill says, "If I don't reveal what God has shown me now next year will be too late!" 

He has found ancient Biblical mysteries concerning finances that bring God's supernatural increase. Prepare and prosper even in the face of a world economy collapse.

You don't want to miss this powerful revelation! Click on the video message below:

It is predicted statistically that, in 2013, our poverty level in the US will be at the worst in 55 years. This will be the best or the worst year of your life. As for uncompromising believers who are right now grasping the outpouring of revealed knowledge from God... the BEST is here for you!

Continue to renew your mind day by day during the remainder of 2012, and you will SEE the atmosphere around you shift to manifest everything God has in store for you within the Realm of His Glory Provision!

Thank you for allowing me to share with you today! God Bless YOU!

Love & Blessings,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Glory Transforms Everything On Your Behalf!

The Glory Transforms Everything On Your Behalf!

Today, I'm resharing a blog post because I believe it to be one of importance and mind-renewing for all that God has in store for you within this new 2015 season! Enjoy!
Today... Everything is Shifting & Transforming!

We are truly blessed to be alive in such an exciting time as this. As of this day... if you will begin to up-level your belief and expectation, things will never be the same. Everything is shifting and transforming around us and in our lives. God is shifting the fullness of His Glory into the Kingdom of God here in the earth! As for believers, that is very exciting news. As His Glory shifts, it will begin to infuse and knit to every fiber of our atmosphere.

The more that darkness will invade and cover the earth, true uncompromising believers will transform even the more to become carriers of this Glory... and to be as Light and Salt for those who will be gravely affected by this next level of coming darkness. Yet, His Glory will go before us as our warfare in the earth, and will bring with it "sweatless" victories on our behalf. Our Father has endowed us with every authority and ability to shift atmospheres, causing them to submit and conform.

Just please READ this powerful testimony...

I'm sure many of you are already seeing and experiencing God's miraculous transformation at work. I've definitely experienced elevating from one level of Glory to the next... continually! And this testimony is sure to elevate your faith to know that ALL things are possible with God. My daughter experienced one such powerful miracle just recently. After leaving work late at night during a downpour of rain, she was riding home on the interstate with a co-worker when suddenly the tires lost traction and the car began to spin out of control. When the car stopped, they were facing on-coming traffic with a car heading straight into them. With no time for the car to dodge them, and no time for them to move, she cried out for Jesus... and the car went right through them!!! She and her co-work were awe-stricken and amazed at what had just happened, and got turned around and drove off the expressway and parked the car... in awe of what God had just done!

God's Glory is bringing miraculous shifts and transformations into our lives!!! Isaiah 40 reminds us of the AWEsomeness of God... of His power and His might. Begin to walk in assured expectation that every place in your life that seems to be a valley shall be lifted and filled up, and every mountain in your life shall be brought down! And although we've had crooked and rough experiences, things are turning around and being made straight and smooth. Even Isaiah 41:4 reveals to us that God is the One Who calls us forth and guides the destinies of our generations.

YOU are blessed and favored to the extreme... and in abundance! Allow God to Shift & Transform EVERYTHING concerning you, your life and family!

Thank you for allowing me to share with your TODAY!

Love & Blessings,

Monday, October 22, 2012

Connect By Faith To Your Miracle!

Day 9... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

It is not always the easiest decision to totally and completely submit to live a life of faith and to live by the Glory Realm provision of God. It's especially challenging when you go forward in expectation, seeing no visible means of support...

Yet, I encourage you to firmly stand, assuredly saying, "God is my Support!" Period!

It has been witnessed and accounted time after time that as you go forward in the vision and purpose of God, He does amazingly provide, even when it makes no sense to the natural mind.

You may have no idea how your bills will get paid. You may have no idea how God will heal you from an attack on your body. It's also especially challenging to stand firmly on what you are believing God to do when everyone around you is looking at your natural situation, and speaking about what they see. They are telling you what they think you need to do about your financial, health or relationship situation, not to add how they are predicting your outcome as the worst case scenario. But when making a stance in God's Glory, God fights on your behalf. Therefore, in God, no weapon formed against you has the ability to prosper, and every word being spoken contrary to your stand, you can condemn those words, making them powerless.

I encourage you today...
Stand firmly believing that He will come through on your behalf.

As I've mentioned before, God will meet your needs according to HIS riches within the Realm of His Glory in Christ Jesus. The Glory Realm is an amazing miracle realm of provision. I reiterate that, if you need healing in your body, God's got provision for your body. If you need a miracle in your family, God's got provision for your family. If you need a miracle of food or sustenance, God's got a miracle provision of manna just for you.

Of course, you should do all you know to do within the natural power and ability God has placed within you... to be the best steward you can be over your body, your finances, your family and relationships. Then trust and believe beyond doubt that God will add His "Super" amazingness to your "natural" ability, giving you an amazing supernatural results!

Today, I'd like to share a testimony by a pastor I adore and look up to as one of God's Glory Generals:

Years ago, a man had been reading in 1 Kings 17 about the prophet Elijah and how the Lord had sent him to the brook and fed him in that place through supernatural provision by ravens. As he read it, it became a rhema word for him, causing his faith to abound to believe God could provide for him in a similar supernatural way. So he began going into his backyard and commanding the birds. He said, people lose money everyday, so go and get this lost money for me. He soon discovered that the birds would actually come and drop money into his backyard. This was a supernatural miracle done just for him.

Later, a 15 year old boy heard this testimony, and made a connection of faith with it. This little boy believed that God would give him $10 for missionary work. So he went to his backyard and commanded the birds to go get the money. The first day, he received a little over a dollar. The second day, two dollars. The third day, he found seven dollars in his backyard. And over the next month, he'd found over $400 in his backyard in bushes and plants. He received miraculous supernatural provision from God.

God wants you to supernaturally connect with His Word and His Glory Realm Provision. He desires for you to connect your faith to expect miraculous provision in the midst of struggle, whether financial, health or any other brokenness. God can work a miracle no matter what the situation.

Throughout this Glory Realm mindset renewal journey, I have many other testimonies I'll be sharing with you to build your faith to believe that "Nothing is Impossible with God!"

Thank you for allowing me to share with you. If you have missed any previous posts, you can review them now by clicking here, or copy and paste this link into your browser: God Bless YOU!

Love & Blessings

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Key is To Be Led By God!

Day 8... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

Yesterday's post mentioned that,

“The Key to Supernatural Glory Realm Provision is to Be Led by the Spirit of God.”

In Proverbs 3, you are reminded to, "Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding (vs. 5). In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths (vs. 6). Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and worship the Lord and turn [entirely] away from evil (vs. 7). It shall be health to your nerves and sinews, and marrow and moistening to your bones (vs. 8). Honor the Lord with your capital and sufficiency [from righteous labors] and with the firstfruits of all your income (vs. 9); So shall your storage places (including bank accounts) be filled with plenty, and your vats shall be overflowing with the new wine (vs. 10)."

In the above verses, Solomon, who was famous for his wisdom and wealth, is imparting to us wisdom and even provisional promises you receive for following God. He lets us know that if we don't submit to follow after our own wisdom and way of understanding, but instead confidently trust in God, then God promises to direct our manner of living, causing it to go straight toward the abundance Jesus already declared belonged to Believers. God also desires for you to trust Him and His wisdom alone, by turning entirely away from evil.

The promise from verse 8 is that, "It shall be health to you." King James' Version records that, "It shall be health to your navel." The Hebrew word for navel is "shor" which is the nerve muscle, meaning He shall provide health and refreshment to your nerves, because within your nerves is the seat of your strength. It shall also be moistening and refreshing to your bones, which is referring to your firmness and strength.

Especially notice verse 9, which reads, "you are to honor God with your substance." The Hebrew word for substance is "hown," which means your financial increase of WEALTH, sufficiency, riches of high value, and more than enough! Solomon knew that God expected that you would honor Him from a place of wealth which He's already made provision for you to be. It is also from a root word which more deeply means wealth, vigor, and physical strength, power and ability. God expects for you to honor Him with the firstfruits from each of these attributes, from where He intended you to dwell. In following Him, we are to give to Him the firstfruits or the first results from our wealth, as well as our physical strength and abilities.

The ultimate promise of these verses is summed up in verse 10, which reveals that submitting to be led by and honor God will bring supernatural provision and increase into your life. He promises to not only heal and strengthen you, but that if you'll give to Him off the top of what you have and who you are, He will increase it back to you from all that He has and from Who He is... by having your storehouses, your storage places and bank accounts, to be filled with plenty. And of course, the Hebrew version of this filling means that you will be satisfied and filled to the full and overflowing with abundance. And that your presses, or that which must be squeezed out, shall breakthrough and burst with new wine. This word wine is especially important because it comes from the root word yarash, which means you will be caused to possess or inherit and occupy.

This Amazing Shift of Glory into your atmosphere has caused you to Inherit and Occupy the Supernatural Glory Realm Provision of God!

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 of the Amplified Bible concludes it this way, "All has been heard; the end of the matter is: Fear God [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is] and keep His commandments, for this is the whole of man [the full, original purpose of his creation, the object of God's providence, the root of character, the foundation of all happiness, the adjustment to all inharmonious circumstances and conditions under the sun] and the whole [duty] for every man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it is good or evil."

Imagine that... every unhappy and inharmonious circumstance in your life... harmoniously adjusted by God! I love that!!!

Thank you for allowing me to share with you. If you have missed any previous posts, please go review them now by clicking here, or paste and copy the following link into your browser: God Bless YOU!

Love & Blessings

Saturday, October 20, 2012

We Have to Hear the Lord Say... This is the Way!

Day 7... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

We are upon such a special day... Day 7 of our mindset renewal process.

Today, I reiterate to you that the Glory Realm of God is for those who will believe! And for those who do believe, God's Glory Realm is producing miraculous and supernatural provision on your behalf, even finances. The key is to be led by the Spirit of God.

Today's posting is also to restate and beckon that you cannot be presumptuous in your walk with God, especially about financial provision. Within this renewal process, you must fully submit to follow the Spirit of God. As mentioned on an earlier post, you were reminded that whenever God gives a vision, the provision for what you need always comes, including finances. However, I recall a time when many dear believers have gone as far as saying, "Okay, I submit myself to live in the Glory and to totally walk by a life of faith in God, which means I don't have to work or think about anything. And I don't have to manage finances because God will be my Source of provision. I'm just going to wait for God to bring every resource my way... then I'll do this or that."

But, we have to hear the Lord say, THIS is the way, walk in it.

These precious believers made the decision to stand immaturely in faith... without having received any instruction from God. Instead of having a vision or purpose from God, they just decided to let go of everything, and their lives literally fell apart. This is not the path that God desires for us to take in wait of His provision. As mentioned before, His provision aligns with what He has given or instructed you to do. Once your purpose has been established... whether in your church or ministry, in the business marketplace as an entrepreneur, or whatever stance He has nudged you to take, provision ALWAYS comes!

It could be that doors are closed for you to the job market, because God desires you to take care of a loved one who cannot help him or herself, and God sees that they truly need you. It may be that you could not have a baby, but you've now miraculously conceived and have no idea how you'll afford the baby. But when "God sends the miracle of a baby," His provision aligns for you. Perhaps, you are unable to work, but you are in dire need of financial support... of course I believe God will provide for you. Maybe He desires for you to be the best housewife you can be for your husband. I cannot begin to fully understand nor unveil what stand He may have given you to take, because the possibilities are endless.

All I know is that when you're doing all you know to do naturally in your situation, He comes right along with supernatural solutions. The difference is, when you get that vision of Glory and God gives you a goal of what He desires for you to do, and you begin to go with God, there's always provision in that place. And as we get that vision from God, we can begin to excel and increase. We can begin to walk in the bounty and abundance of God's blessings in this day, regardless of what anybody else has predicted or said about the natural situation.

We have to hear the Lord say, this is the way, walk in it. Because those who are led by the Spirit are the mature sons of God and the earth is groaning for the manifestation of the true spiritual sons of God.

The KEY is being led by the Spirit in the Glory! We'll bring more tomorrow about this very important and spiritual key. See you on Day 8. God Bless YOU!

Thank you for allowing me to share with you. If you have missed any previous posts, please go review them now by clicking here or paste and copy the following link into your browser:

Love & Blessings

Friday, October 19, 2012

We Have Crossed Over!

Day 6... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

I pray your mind has shifted and is being totally refreshed and renewed. I pray that you and your loved ones are in the midst of experiencing Glory Realm Living... Living from Glory to Glory!

For our God is highly exalted and His desire is for us to come up higher... to His level of thinking and to His ways... from Glory to Glory in Him!

When it all looks absolutely hopeless, Jesus Christ is your hope, because God is good all the time! This shift of Glory into our atmosphere is like the latter Glory of the house, and is greater than the former. No matter what you have experienced, more and greater are coming! There is so much available for the body of Christ in this hour.

Amos 3:7 reveals to us that, "surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secrets to His servants the prophets." There is much buzz within the body of Christ and the Kingdom of God about this shift of His Glory, just as my spirit has been bursting with the excitement of all God has been sharing with me about what's in store for us! I truly believe this ministry of Glory Realm Living to one such "prophetic voice" in this day. I pray you take heed to prepare your mindset for what God has in store for the body of Christ in these last days. EXPECT... because what is coming is greater than you've ever seen or heard. That is why your mindset must be shifted and enlarged to receive the vastness and greatness of all that the Glory has in store... just for you!

There are multitudes of other ministries that are sharing similar prophetic revelations. Even lately, God has had me to bathe and drench within the book of Isaiah, which is referred to in the article below. Today, I'd like to share with you "excerpts" from a recent article written by Jason Hooper of White Dove Ministries. I believe it to be a confirming word within this time during our "mind-renewal" journey toward Glory Realm Provision. If you've missed any of the previous days posts, please take a few moments to review and absorb them into your spirit. I try to keep them short, but today's message is a "must-share." Enjoy!

Jason Hooper's Message "A New Season of Increase"

We have crossed over into a new season in God. It is a season that carries with it promises fulfilled, promotions granted, and "increase" by the Spirit of God. The word right now is "increase." The blessings and increase of God that are being granted to us in this season will not be awarded based on our personal accomplishments. Rather, the blessing and increase of the Lord will rest upon those who possess a loyalty of heart and the knowledge of God that can only be found in the fear of the Lord.

Many have emerged from what could be considered a challenging season marked by an outward appearance of loss. And although there has been tangible loss, I can tell you this: It is the will of the Father of all He has given to you - that nothing has been lost but will be fully restored and completely resurrected in these coming days. Now, if on the other hand the Lord has allowed a "material downsizing" that has simplified your life in preparation for this coming season - be thankful. It is this preemptive downsizing that will afford you the freedom to move with the Cloud when He says move.

There is a quickening, a hastening and acceleration to bring to pass that which has been previously promised. Some have felt a bit like Joseph in recent times. You were given magnificent prophetic promises, but the wilderness between the promise given and the promise fulfilled looked like anything but that which we had been promised.

Just about every prophetic person you can think of has been seeing and hearing portions of Isaiah 60 for this season. The applications are endless and the promises long-awaited. Although much attention has been given to the first three to five verses of this chapter, I am putting the Lord in remembrance of the entire chapter with my faith and focus resting on the last nine verses of this passage:
  • "I, the Lord, will hasten it in its time" (Isaiah 60:22b).
  • Deuteronomy 28:12 tells us that our land has an appointed season of blessing: "The Lord will open to you His good treasure [storehouse], the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow."
  • Galatians 6:9 tells us that there is such a time as "due season" in which we will reap a harvest if we do not lose heart.
We see in Isaiah 60 that each promise we have been given has "its time" of fulfillment. We have crossed over into a new season in God as we have stepped into what Paul called "due season" and "its time!"

Jason Hooper, White Dove Ministries

Thank you for allowing me to continue to share with you. Again, if you have missed any previous posts, please go review them now by clicking here or paste and copy the following link into your browser: God Bless YOU!

Love & Blessings

Thursday, October 18, 2012

There are NO Limitations with God

Day 5... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

Yesterday's post reminded us that whatever God has done in His Word, He can and will make those same miraculous provisions for you.

The miracles of God are without natural explanation. 
And right now, in this day, as God is releasing His supernatural Glory Realm provision, you must come to understand that, "There are NO limitations with God."

During this season that we've entered into, it is extremely important for you to renew your mind to believe and trust that God has aligned this supernatural Glory Realm Provision just for you. These will absolutely be the best days within the body of Christ and within the Kingdom of God here in the earth.

There was a popular saying years ago, "The Best is Yet to Come!" And NOW... The Best Has Come and is Here!

Be cautious in this hour to not enter into fear! Trust that God's Realm of Glory is surrounding you...

 ~ You are clothed in the Glory of God
 ~ You are carriers of the Glory, manifesting it and shifting atmospheres wherever you go
 ~ You are continually walking in the Glory
 ~ You are living by the supernatural as your normal way of living
 ~ You have been given God's "nothing limiting and nothing stopping you" authority and ability.

The body of Christ is being raised up to do supernatural works of the Glory of God in these days... spreading that Glory to the nations and extinguishing the darkness with the Glorious Light!

There are NO LIMITATIONS in the Spirit realm of God! Be Blessed... Beyond Measure!

If you missed previous posts, click here to scroll through and read more Glory Realm Mind-Renewing articles. Thank you for allowing me to share with you. God Bless YOU!

Love & Blessings,

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

God Is STILL Today Releasing Miraculous Provision!

Day 4... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

Imagine 5000 men and their families being invited to your dinner engagement, and these two fish and five loaves is all you have to feed them.

When we read about Jesus and how He multiplied the fishes and the loaves, we marvel! Yet, God is releasing the same miracles that are in the bible even today, because Jesus is the SAME yesterday, today and forever, as far as God is concerned!

God has done so many things for us, and we've only seen the beginning. In this day as God is releasing His supernatural provision, begin to expect that He will do these same miraculous events just for you! Jesus knew that God's Open Heavenly Realm of Glory Provision was at hand, and is how He sweatlessly blessed those fish and loaves to multiply. And this same blessing of multiplication is there for you as you go about being a blessing within the Kingdom of God, just as it was for Him.

There have been numerous accounted and documented testimonies about men and women experiencing supernatural multiplication... of money and finances in wallets, purses and bank accounts, having supernatural deposits, even loans forgiven and miraculous debt cancellation! I, too, continually experience MIRACLE financial increase and supernatural debt cancellation... and so can you! Start right away expecting supernatural multiplication of provision and prosperity!

Today, I'd like to share my own personal testimony of a time God supernaturally and immediately provided for me and my family. Years ago, during my children's teenage years, there was a month I could not make our rent payment. At that time, it was $1200 a month. It might as well had been a million dollars... that's just how unattainable it was for me at that time. It was past the first of the month, I'd exhausted all my resources, and the landlord had left a message informing me she'd be over later that day to pick up the rent payment.

Of course, I could have called her to tell her to postpone that trip, but I felt an urgency within me to pray to God for His provision. So I immediately called my prayer partners together (my teenagers!!!), and we joined hands and we simply asked God to provide for us. We thanked Him for it, and all agreed that we would trust Him to come through for us, and we adjourned and went about our day.

A few moments later, the phone rang. When I answered it, the caller promptly asked me what did I need. I replied, "Excuse me? What are you talking about?" Again, she said, "What is it that you need? God placed you in my heart to call you and said to ask you what you needed." I could not believe my ears, and even replied to her, "No, I can't ask you for that." She persisted, "Listen, God said you were in need, and I won't be disobedient to doing what He's asked me to do. So, for the last time, what do you need?" I finally and hesitantly responded, "I need $1200 right away." She said, "I'm on the way, and will be there with your $1200 in just a few minutes, and went on to let me know... this is not a loan, so please accept it as a blessing from God! Is a check okay?" And she did just that!!! I'm excited about that!! My children's faith rose to whole new level of Glory that day! They are successful in Him, even to this day! God ALONE is our Source!

God Is STILL Today Releasing Miraculous Provision! His Open Heaven of Glory Realm Provision is STILL Multiplying food, resources and finances just for YOU! I've seen and experienced it for myself within my own family, time after time after time. It built our faith to a level to believe that He loves us and will never fail us. I love Him with all my heart, not just because of His provision, but because of Who He Is and His faithfulness in our lives, and because He loves us so intensely, in spite of ourselves. But I am providing these "daily nugget" articles to build your faith to believe that God WILL come through... just for YOU!

Jesus Himself said, "may it be unto you according to you faith." Go ahead... BELIEVE BIG!!!

I make a decree that you SHALL receive God's supernatural "fish and loaves multiplication" miraculous provision in your wallets, purses and bank accounts. I pray that you SHALL see God as your Source!!! I thank Jesus for exchanging lack and poverty for His riches in Glory on your behalf. I pray that your every need SHALL be met according to those riches in Glory... in Jesus' name. So be it!

If you missed previous posts, click here to scroll through and read more Glory Realm Mind-Renewing articles. Thank you for allowing me to share with you. God Bless YOU!

Love & Blessings,

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Time For a Reset... to "Only Believe"

Day 3... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

God is releasing His Glory Realm Provision within this day to empower us to be everything He has called us to be. We are being supernaturally enabled to function and to walk in the greatness and power of God. Even Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:2-4, that he resolved to know nothing except Jesus Christ the Messiah and Him crucified, and that he was not coming with just persuasive words, but in demonstration of the power of the Spirit. And we, as the carriers of His power and carriers of His Glory, should resolve to expect this same power of the Spirit... to expect the demonstration of supernatural and miraculous things to happen!

As readers of the Word, some of us have submitted to believe that the demonstration of biblical supernatural events were only for biblical times. I posted on yesterday about the miraculous events that took place right among the people of Israel, YET they still wavered in unbelief! Oh sure, we have come to allow ourselves to recognize that God does and will heal. So we "sort of" submit to the idea that He just might do it for us... He just might heal us... or He just might save our family members... or maybe deliver certain loved ones from drugs or alcohol... maybe. And just like the Israelites, some of us have even seen miracles happen right before our eyes and still waver in unbelief.

Within the biblical account of Mark 5:22-43, one of the rulers of the synagogue named Jairus had approached Jesus because his daughter was dying. As Jesus was leaving to go with Jairus, He stopped to perform a miracle for a woman who had suffered for 12 years. And while Jesus was still speaking to her, someone from the ruler's house told Jairus to no longer bother Jesus because his daughter had died. BUT in verse 36, "Overhearing but ignoring what they said, Jesus said to the ruler, Do not be afraid, ONLY BELIEVE."

Right here is where I want to "selah... to have us calmly pause and think about that." Just put yourself here for a moment receiving the news Jairus received, and listening to Jesus tell you to NOT BE AFRAID, JUST BELIEVE! Hmmm

We may have all been in a circumstance or situation at one time or another where we were placed in the trial of fearing the worst... but trusting Jesus to come through on our behalf. And to boot, Jesus wants us to NOT be fearful about it? Not to mention, that while we're waiting for our miracle, we see others among us receiving theirs (like the woman who'd suffered 12 years)... Jesus!! Did you forget about me? What's up?
  • Times like these is why Paul decided that he himself knew nothing... that he was only coming in demonstration of the power of the Spirit!
  • Paul decided that his own persuasive words were nothing in comparison to Jesus, and Him being crucified.
  • And here is where I beckon to remind you about what God did just for YOU!
  • And it is this... if you had been the only person left on earth in need of what God could do for YOU, He would have still sent His Only Son to die on that cross "just for YOU!"
So know and believe this... 
  • YES, it is His will for you to be redeemed from this world's system and from every assignment over you from the kingdom of darkness, and to be restored to the family of God... because Jesus paid a severe and extreme price for YOUR life!
  • YES, it is His will for you to be healed... because He took severe lashes and whips of stripes for every sickness and disease just for YOU!
  • YES, it is His will for you to be blessed... because He had a crown of thorns crushed into His forehead to destroy every curse from affecting YOUR life.
NOW... pause again and think about Him saying to YOU, "Do not be afraid, ONLY BELIEVE, because I've ALREADY handled this and any other situation just for YOU!" Not only that, but He is now seated at the right hand of the Father on YOUR behalf, so that now you can fulfill what He desired you to do... GREATER works than He did while here on earth. He healed the sick, will you? He cast out demonic spirits, will you? He raised the dead, will you? He went about spreading the good news of the gospel, will you? And He said you will do greater, so will you?

NOW do you believe that He is releasing His Glory Realm Provision within this day to empower you to be everything He has called you to be? YOU CAN expect the demonstration of supernatural and miraculous things to happen for you and your loved ones (just as Jairus did for his daughter). Do not submit yourself to waver in unbelief, because if God has said it, He is more than able to perform it in your life (Romans 4:21).

He's got your back! Glory Realm Provision is available just for you. You have nothing to fear, ONLY BELIEVE!

Love & Blessings,

Monday, October 15, 2012

How to Stop Struggle in the Midst of Glory Provision!

Day 2... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

The Old Testament accounts that there were a chosen people who personally witnessed and experienced the miraculous supernatural Glory of God. They saw firsthand how He protected and blessed them in the midst of others around them living the calamity of plagues, even death, while passing over them. They miraculously remained protected and unharmed. They saw how God supernaturally "parted the sea" on their behalf, freeing them from slavery and bondage, taking with them riches and abundance. They saw how God led them through the wilderness with a literal cloud of Glory by day, and pillar of fire by night. They saw how He poured out tremendous provision of food from Heaven. They experienced living under an "Open Heaven" of Glory Blessing & Provision!

All this, God did without their having to labor or prepare on their own. They simply followed His leading... simply walked through walls of sea on dry ground... simply picked up food from Heaven and ate... simply drank water that poured from a rock... simply lived year after year without their clothes or shoes wearing out... simply lived the miracle provision of God! Yet, in the midst of this open Heaven of abundant overflowing blessings and miracles, they still struggled!

Why did these blessed and chosen people of God still struggle... even in the midst of Glory Realm Provision? They struggled because they had dwelt and grew common to a nation where they had been enslaved and oppressed for four hundred years! (Gen 15:13) They struggled because their living had become accustomed to Egypt... their minds were still aligned with the system of the world, rather than the Kingdom of God.

They could not shake off the oppression and bondage. They were overcome with unbelief! Therefore, many of them did not enter into the land that overflowed with His promises and blessings, because of their unbelief. What about you? Have you allowed the system of this world and the systems of our government to enslave and oppress you to the point that you've entered into unbelief? Are you struggling even in the midst of your Glory Realm Provision? Yes, we have all submitted in some form or fashion to how the world has set to govern us. And yes, we've struggled because our current condition of living has caused us to become common to a world system that has enslaved and oppressed.

This is your appointed time to SHIFT! You can and must make a decision of faith to live within the atmosphere of Glory that God has made available to you... an Open Heaven of abundant overflowing blessings and miracles here in the Kingdom of God on earth! You no longer have to be afraid of the shaking in the world, because it will continue to happen, more and more. Do NOT be moved by or put your trust in the world's system. This is not a time when you should be thinking about how you could get the world's system to work for you! This is the time for you to prepare in God for His Glory Realm Provision to manifest daily, even moment by moment in your life!

Stir Up "Sea-Parting" Faith & Expectation!!!!! As you go forward in all that God has purposed you to do... whether it be your stewardship as spouse or parent... to establish a church or ministry... to build a business enterprise... regardless to what it is, align it with Kingdom thinking! Believe that God has supernatural provision aligned for everything you do. God has made provision for your every plan, insight and witty invention. He has made provision for you to walk in total prosperity... nothing missing and nothing broken from your life.

I make a decree that you shall walk in spiritual, emotional and physical health, wholeness and soundness, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. You shall walk in the supernatural Wisdom, gifts, talents and discernment from God. You shall walk in belief that your family is saved, delivered, blessed and highly favored. You shall walk in belief that your finances are blessed and overflowing in your wallets, purses and bank accounts. You shall walk in Total Prosperity... in the Nothing Missing & Nothing Broken Glory Realm Living & Provision of God! Believe Only THAT!

If you missed Day 1, click here and scroll through! God Bless YOU!

Love & Blessings,

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Where God Places Vision... He Aligns Provision

Day 1... Renewal to Glory Realm Provision Mindset

Today, you begin an amazing journey of renewing your mind and life to align with the Glory Realm provision and living of God. Throughout the remainder of 2012, Glory Realm Living will provide inspirational insight that will challenge you to think and go higher... to a place of walking in the Realm of God's Glory and His promised provision.

Habakkuk 2:14 says, "But the time is coming when the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." And Isaiah 60:1 beckons you to, "Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you, and rise to a new life! Shine and be radiant with the Glory of the Lord, for your light has come, and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you!

You are now living in that time of God's Glory covering believers who will walk in obedience to His ways and to the steps that He will begin to initiate toward you. Many of you have received visions of purpose and assignments (whether personally, in ministry or business) that you know God has called you to walk therein. Therefore, you must believe that where God places a Vision... He also aligns His Provision.

I am hopeful that these posts will be mind-renewing for all believers, and I am excited for those of you who have been called for His purpose and have been given an assignment from God. I pray that your mind will be renewed to know and believe beyond doubt that your vision has an atmospheric surrounding and covering that is drenched with the Glory Abundant Provision of God.

Isaiah 60 is now being made manifest in the earth on your behalf. Though the darkness will look like hopelessness to multitudes in the world, and seem as though there are no solutions and no answers, yet God's Glory will shine upon you as a TRUE believer and follower of Christ, having the promise of His Glory and Presence. And that Glory provides every provision as you walk in the vision and purpose God has placed upon your life, your ministry and your marketplace position.

This Glory is the FULLNESS of God! It is the ESSENCE of all God IS and all God HAS! Here in Isaiah 60, the Glory speaks of the wealth of God... His abundance, splendor and provision! Throughout this chapter, this Glory is referring to tangible wealth!

YOU have now entered into your most Glorious hour in time with God! Your Provision is at Hand!

Love & Blessings To YOU!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Glory Realm Provision Mindset

Let's Renew Our Minds to the Glory Realm Provision of God!

You will think to yourself, 'My own power and the strength of my own hand have gotten me this wealth.' NO, you are to remember your God, because it is He Who is giving you the power to get wealth, in order to confirm His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as is happening even today. (Deut. 8:17-18)

Deuteronomy 8:18 says that God gives us the power to make wealth to confirm or establish His covenant. Therefore, it is with the mindset of the Kingdom that we make wealth! With that being said, the Glory Realm Living team make a firm commitment to live a life of faith that believes the promises and provision of God... day by day... moment by moment!

Starting this Sunday, October 14th, join us on this remarkable journey throughout the remainder of 2012 as we commit to a "GLORY REALM PROVISION MINDSET" ...discovering and setting our mind and finances to align with the revelation and assignment of the Abundance Jesus provided and the "End Time Transfer of Wealth!"

Check back each day, beginning Sunday as we'll provide daily doses of faith-building and mind-renewing information and inspiration to help you set your mind and keep it set for victorious Glory Realm Living! You'll truly become blessed to be a blessing.

Jesus said we are to pray that God's Kingdom comes and for His will to be done on earth... as it is in Heaven! Therefore, this is not about selfish lustful gain. Heaven is a holy atmosphere where everything is about God. This is about our exalting who He is! We shall raise a standard of the Glory and provision of God here in the earth.

You can also visit our facbook page to view the posts at: Like Our Page... we'll see you there!

Love & God's Abundant Blessing To YOU!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This Shift of Glory is our Warfare!

Today... Everything is Shifting & Transforming!

We are truly blessed to be alive in such an exciting time as this. As of this day... if you will begin to up-level your belief and expectation, things will never be the same. Everything is shifting and transforming around us and in our lives. God is shifting the fullness of His Glory into the Kingdom of God here in the earth! As for believers, that is very exciting news. As His Glory shifts, it will begin to infuse and knit to every fiber of our atmosphere.

The more that darkness will invade and cover the earth, true uncompromising believers will transform even the more to become carriers of this Glory... and to be as Light and Salt for those who will be gravely affected by this next level of coming darkness. Yet, His Glory will go before us as our warfare in the earth, and will bring with it "sweatless" victories on our behalf. Our Father has endowed us with every authority and ability to shift atmospheres, causing them to submit and conform.

Just please READ this powerful testimony...

I'm sure many of you are already seeing and experiencing God's miraculous transformation at work. I've definitely experienced elevating from one level of Glory to the next... continually! And this testimony is sure to elevate your faith to know that ALL things are possible with God. My daughter experienced one such powerful miracle just recently. After leaving work late at night during a downpour of rain, she was riding home on the interstate with a co-worker when suddenly the tires lost traction and the car began to spin out of control. When the car stopped, they were facing on-coming traffic with a car heading straight into them. With no time for the car to dodge them, and no time for them to move, she cried out for Jesus... and the car went right through them!!! She and her co-work were awe-stricken and amazed at what had just happened, and got turned around and drove off the expressway and parked the car... in awe of what God had just done!

God's Glory is bringing miraculous shifts and transformations into our lives!!! Isaiah 40 reminds us of the AWEsomeness of God... of His power and His might. Begin to walk in assured expectation that every place in your life that seems to be a valley shall be lifted and filled up, and every mountain in your life shall be brought down! And although we've had crooked and rough experiences, things are turning around and being made straight and smooth. Even Isaiah 41:4 reveals to us that God is the One Who calls us forth and guides the destinies of our generations.

YOU are blessed and favored to the extreme... and in abundance! Allow God to Shift & Transform EVERYTHING concerning you, your life and family!

Thank you for allowing me to share with your TODAY!

Love & Blessings to you all!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hold ON! The GLORY is on the Way!

Hold On! 

is on the Way!

Believe God Like Never Before!

I missed writing to you guys last week. I experienced issues with "the teeth." Yikes! And if the dentists have their way, by the time they are done, they will have constructed work in the cost of a CAR in my mouth... LOL!!

He always has a plan!

I am so very thankful for everything He has in store for us this season. He has storehouses of treasures awaiting to be released into the lives of His believers! When I think of His promise from Philippians 4 declaring that, "He will liberally supply and fill to the FULL your every need in accordance to HIS RICHES IN GLORY in Christ Jesus." How awesome is that!

So no matter what we're in need of... including brand new teeth... it WILL BE abundantly and liberally supplied. He said be it unto you as you believe... and I believe He has storehouses of teeth in heaven, and that there's a beautiful porcelain set there just for me that fits my mouth and gums perfectly! And Jesus said that we can have it be done for us here on earth as it is in heaven!WOW!! I absolutely LOVE THAT!!!

It is also my belief that our passage through this year's Passover has brought us into a new and abundant season. After the week of Passover, have you noticed that many of us began to encounter and experience the miraculous goodness of God??? And I believe it was only a PREVIEW of what's actually in store for us this year! It's going to be absolutely AMAZING!!!

During my prayer time this morning, God spoke that believers are about to experience a "TRUE SPRING!" So again, instead of a work related newsletter, I am led to write this message of encouragement JUST FOR YOU! Many of you have been faithful in waiting for what God has for you. You've endured lengthy, even countless, hardships. This new and abundant season will begin to unveil your "True Spring!"

As you continue to "hold on," you will not miss out on what's in store for you this new season. What I mean by True Spring is this... We've heard much ado about the Glory of God which has entered the earth. This Glory will begin to activate like a "Miraculous Glory Fertilizer" upon your hard work, and upon the things you've sown. Whether you've sown seeds of tithing, offerings, time in building businesses and relationships, time in believing for healing, restoration, whatever... God is about to pour His Glory upon it AND "TRUE SPRING" SHALL ABOUND!!!

For the believer, you shall begin to experience the best of times... in your marriages, families, businesses, health and finances! Jesus went about doing only what He "saw" His Father doing! God has also given many of you visions and purposes of what you were created to do, and you've been going about doing what you believed He was showing you to do. And I know how hard it is to stay the course or to keep your hopes high when you're waiting on God to come through for you, but I soooo totally encourage you to "Hold On" so you will not miss out on your season.

Some of you may be thinking, "Hey, I gave it my best shot." You may even be experiencing a heaviness and a sluggishness physically and spiritually. I believe it's because there's so much going on in the atmosphere and in the realms of God which you can't see with your physical eyes... Exciting things just for you! Just know that angels are on assignment responding to the decrees that you are declaring into the atmosphere. Just know that God is turning the situation to your good... to FAVOR YOU!

He loves you with an amazing eternal love, which has no beginning and no end to it! It's PURE LOVE! So don't be discouraged. Your Father in no way wants you to give up. He wants you to stay the course so that you will reap the good of what He has in store just for you! DON'T MISS YOUR TRUE SPRING!!! Just expect it and watch as it begins to BLOOM!!! Thank You Father for Your miraculous and amazing fertile GLORY!!!

Thank you so much for allowing me to share in your life! I encourage you to share this blog with a friend. There is no way you will not succeed in 2012, because I am here to help you turn your BIG amazing dreams into reality and prosper in a BIG way!