Wednesday, November 14, 2012

God Commands His Blessings To Overtake YOU!

May ALL the blessings that God commanded in Deuteronomy 28 come upon you and overtake you... as you listen to and obey the voice of God.

In the Name of Jesus, I command the blessings of God to be upon your life, your family and household, the work of your hands, and be a part of your atmosphere everywhere that you are... and as you come and go! Upon entering this blog spot, you have entered the time and place where the Blessing of God is commanded upon your life!

Having crossed out of darkness into God's MARVELOUS Light, I hope your mindset is continually being renewed and that through your faith in God, you're setting up an atmosphere for the prosperity of God to overtake you! I've not posted daily, but pray you're feasting on previous faith-building articles. Because no matter how often you read, re-read and feast upon Him and His Word, He is good... ALL THE TIME! So, continue to set yourself up for a STRONG 2012 finish, and prepare yourself for an extremely prosperous 2013!

Right now in the world, there's much fear about the economic shakings, even when we read about the end times and the one-world government in the book of Revelation, where there will be a system established with no buying or selling without the mark of the beast. Even in my country of the United States, there has been fear and shaking after our recent presidential election. Spirits of fear and division have entered the hearts of the people.

BUT DO NOT ALLOW ANY OF WHAT YOU READ AND HEAR TO PRODUCE FEAR... Because YOU are not subject to any beast! YOU are subject to the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! YOU are subject to the KING of all beasts! Therefore, YOUR provision in these end times is blessed and assured through Him! YOU are subject to God, and He alone is YOUR Source!

God did not give you a spirit of fear, but He wants for you to rest in the peace and soundness of His Love towards YOU. He commands His Blessing and Favor upon your life. When passing out of darkness into light, God translated you out of the world's system and into the Kingdom of God system, and into an extremely wealthy place.

Do NOT put worry and fear into HOW! Simply place your trust completely in WHO! You only need to know the One Who is Your Supernatural Abundant Provision... He is Jehovah Jireh, the Lord God as your Provider. He's also known as El Shaddai, the God of more than enough! He is more than able to meet all your needs.

Just remember that God created YOU for His Blessing. He placed His blessing upon you when creating you as a spirit, then sent you to live in a body that He Himself knit together in your mother's womb. Whatever you've been through and wherever you are now will all be turned around to favor and bless you, regardless of what it looks like. Keep faith in the One Who can cause it to turn out good for YOU. He is soooo pleased when you walk by faith and trust in Him. He promises to fight for YOU.

He's created the Realm of His Goodness, Glory and Provision here in the earth... just for YOU! BELIEVE THAT!

Love & Blessings,

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